
ESMM (Thursday 7pm group EST)
Ticket sales ends on Monday February 20th, 2023 at 11:59pm EST.
TACKF invites you to start the following program in your journey through our programs by joining Emboldened Service Member Men. New for 2023, Emboldened Service Member Men (ESMM) promises to bring a conversation to the forefront of what service life brings to a marriage. This Pilot group will take place on Thursdays during the 7 pm EST timeslot. ESMM will begin meeting February 23rd - April 13th. The group will meet every week unless otherwise noted.
Some history: Emboldened Service Member Men came to fruition after a continued request from the men of TACKF to have a forum such as Empowered Spouses. The research on ES was so powerful that TACKF began to lean to focus groups for demand and topics. ESMM is meant to mirror ES but provides subjects that continue to push the use of Gallup Strengths and remain pertinent to the men of TACKF. The group, made up of a limited number of participants, is a safe place to process thoughts and emotions that come with the service lifestyle in complete confidence face-to-face. Our goal at TACKF is to provide a transformative group of men to grow and foster strengths in their daily lives while learning to take care of themselves, each other, and their marriages. You will find that the service lifestyle is much better when you do it with others beside you. All participants must commit to ALL 8 weeks of the group to experience it to the fullest (and create bonds within the group).
We at TACKF look forward to embarking on this journey with you into ESMM and beyond.
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