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Bryce’s Army

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Raised of $2,000



I think back to the day when Bryce was in the PICU (March 2015) recovering from his brain surgeries. The nurse told us there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. Every day we were one step closer to reaching the end of the tunnel, and finally we made it and saw that light. 

Then he relapsed, and we have many more chemotherapies and proton radiation to endure. We kept thinking how are we possibly going to get to the end of the tunnel? Bryce has since finished two more years of treatments. It felt a sense of relief to be done and yet scary at the same time. We would have to figure out our new “normal life.”

Now we have a new life after treatment. Bryce may not have cancer or daily trips to the oncology floors, but he has new challenges to face as a result of the side effect from his harsh treatments. 

On the outside Bryce looks like a healthy 10 year old boy. These harsh treatments saved him. But also had side effects. 

People ask me how old Bryce is, and I tell them. They say, “Wow he can’t be 10.” I respond, “He may be small, but he is mighty.” If they only knew how much he’s gone through in his life. Proton radiation stopped him from growing. After much consideration Bryce is followed by an endocrinologist, and he just started growth hormone shots. These are daily shots that I have to give him for several years to get him to a reasonable height. No, he won’t be 6’2 like he was projected before he got sick. 

He also has occupational and speech therapies. He has many delays that could be from the disease itself or from years of having treatments. However, he’s resilient and he’s made significant progress since his treatment finished in November 2019.

None of this means we don’t still worry, especially for every 6 month MRI. We know what it feels like to hear those words not only once… but twice. “Your child has cancer.” It’s not something I would wish on anyone. But, we have found the silver lining. Enjoy each and every day and don’t take it for granted. 

I’m here to say just because the treatment is over doesn’t mean the fight is over. There’s always new challenges to face, but these kids are resilient. We’re so grateful to have PCFLV and Riley’s Children’s Hospital right here in the Lehigh Valley. We have formed many relationships with other families that have gone through, and are still going through, the same thing as our family. Thank you, PCFLV.


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PCFLV embraces the pediatric cancer journey alongside children and their families, moving forward as a community with love, hope, and smiles.  They...
                Support at diagnosis
                Encourage during treatment
                Empower in survivorship
                Comfort throughout bereavement

PCFLV is a 501c(3) non-profit foundation dedicated to helping children and families in the greater Lehigh Valley affected by pediatric cancer by providing free and unique programming and support during treatment, survivorship, and bereavement. They are focused on creating a loving and supportive cancer community for families whose lives have been forever changed by hearing the words, "Your child has cancer." They host events and activities to create free-of-charge opportunities for families to have fun and to find nurturing support within the pediatric cancer community. They have regular, ongoing programming like the KidKonnect program and monthly Moms’ /Dads'/Parents' Nights Out, as well as much-loved annual events like Camp Smile. PCFLV makes monthly visits to the inpatient pediatric floor and the outpatient pediatric oncology clinic at Lehigh Valley Reilly Children's Hospital through our Chemo Circus and Caregiver Coffee programs, armed with an array of arts and crafts, gifts, entertainment, and food to distract children during their treatment and to create happiness and smiles. They have a bill-paying fund for families treated at LVRCH.  They provide individual and specialized assistance based on the needs of our families as well, often in the form of grocery and gas gift cards to help defray the often-unrecognized costs of dealing with a pediatric cancer diagnosis. PCFLV provides housecleaning services for newly diagnosed families, a college scholarship fund for high school graduates, and much more! 

Please donate today! All money raised stays LOCAL to help LOCAL families!


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