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Climb Africa

Thu September 28 - Sun October 8 Moshi, 00255 TZ
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Climb Africa Fundraiser

Lois Kitsch
Onward and Upward

Fundraiser Login


Raised of $5,000



Working to "Climb to the Top" of Africa

Credit Unions have been a central part of my life for more than 42 years.  I have seen first hand how Credit Unions can help member dreams come true.  I have seen a woman in the Philippines build her own home by selling chicken on a stick, a girl go to school for the first time in Haiti, a woman talk freely about her first loan in Afghanistan all because of Credit Unions.  I thank my own Credit Union -Summit Credit Union that has always been there for me - especially when I needed them most.   On October 7, I plan to be on the top of Africa to culminate a year's work on the Climb Africa Campaign.  I have summited Kili once before but I am a bit older now - okay a lot older now.  I take this fund raising effort on because I believe in ACCOSCA's dream  to complete the first ever state-of-the-art training center for African Credit Unions.  This Academy will be a place of convening for  28 different government partners , regulators, NGOs, National Associations and SACCOs.  As part of my commitment to ACCOSCA, I have agreed to raise $5000 towards the $1million goal.  Please help if you can.  All gifts will be greatly appreciated.  It isn't everyday that you can contribute towards changing an entire continent.  Sending you love and gratitude.



Top Donors

$6,795 Raised By 42 Donors

$1,000 in support of FROM AACUC -
$1,000 in support of Kevin Johnson
$500 on behalf of Bill and Crissy Cheney
$500 on behalf of Lois Kitsch
$375 on behalf of Andrew Johnson
$250 on behalf of Cassie and Tom
$250 on behalf of Susan Mitchell
$150 in support of A successful climb! Sending you all good wishes! Daniel and Carol McT
$150 on behalf of Charles Elliott
$150 in support of Lois Kitsch
$150 from Anonymous
$150 on behalf of Tara Darwish
$100 on behalf of Bing Juarez
$100 on behalf of Christine Woods
$100 on behalf of Cynthia Campbell
$100 on behalf of Denise Gabel
$100 on behalf of Dr. Troy Hall
$100 on behalf of JOHN SANDERS
$100 on behalf of Kanika Boutte
$100 on behalf of Kerri Smith
$100 on behalf of Lily Newfarmer
$100 on behalf of Linda Brown
$100 on behalf of Lois kitsch
$100 on behalf of Lynn Heckler
$100 on behalf of Norman Stockton
$100 on behalf of Randy Stolp
$100 on behalf of Ray Lancaster
$50 on behalf of Beth Michel-Evenson
$50 in honor of Celia A Parwulski
$50 on behalf of Dawn Grohskopf
$50 on behalf of Harriet May
$50 in support of Judith Hurt
$50 on behalf of Kirk Kordeleski
$50 on behalf of Lisa Day
$50 on behalf of Lois Kitch
$50 in support of Maureen Fraser
$50 on behalf of Neil Smith
$50 on behalf of Rachel Miller Kusler
$45 on behalf of Lois Kitsch
$25 in support of Lois Kitch
$25 in support of Lois kitsch
$25 on behalf of Rio Grande Credit Union

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