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Climb Africa

Thu September 28 - Sun October 8 Moshi, 00255 TZ
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Climb Africa Fundraiser

Mary Beth Spuck
Nothing great was ever easy; but, the cooperative difference creates a multiplier effect.

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Raised of $5,000


My Africa Story

It's not every day that credit unions can change a continent!

In 2022, ACCOSCA and the African Cooperative Development Foundation (ACDF) will take on a major fund-raising campaign to raise $1.2 million to outfit the new ACCOSCA offices and to build a state-of-the-art training academy -- appropriately called The ACCOSCA Academy. The Academy will distinguish itself by attracting well-known and respected credit union practitioners and researchers to provide the highest quality of training programs and certifications. The ACCOSCA Academy will benefit African credit union leaders from National Associations, SACCOs, legislators, regulators, and the community at large. Doing so will provide a first of its kind training center that will improve training standards, enhance skills and build strong governance and leadership programs resulting in sustainable SACCOS. The outcome of this center of learning will strengthen and grow the African SACCO system while at the same time improve the lives and livelihoods of the African People.  

In October 2022, the CLIMB AFRICA Campaign will culminate with a climb of Mount Kilimanjaro alongside community development work in Kenya and Malawi. I'm excited to be a part of the Ground Team doing a service project in Malawi.

I have seen first-hand how credit unions and ACCOSCA are changing the landscape of Africa and I'm excited to have the opportunity to help further the education and development of credit union staff and volunteers in Africa. 

I am proud to participate in the CLIMB AFRICA Campaign because of my passion for education and the growth of the credit union movement around the world. Your donation is appreciated as it will help reach our collective goal of changing a continent through education. 



Top Donors

$7,350 Raised By 24 Donors

$2,500 on behalf of Cliff Broughton
$1,750 on behalf of Resource One Credit Union
$500 on behalf of George Hofheimer
$500 on behalf of Mary Beth Spuck
$325 in support of Daniela Parker
$250 on behalf of Steve McIntire
$200 on behalf of Susan Girsch
$100 on behalf of Becky Reed
$100 on behalf of Betty Tongue
$100 on behalf of Denise Gabel
$100 on behalf of Diane Sokolik
$100 on behalf of John Janclaes
$100 on behalf of nicole colgan
$100 on behalf of Randy Stolp
$100 in support of Suzanne Chism
$100 on behalf of Vanessa Langhelle
$75 on behalf of ANDREA MAUER
$50 on behalf of Cameron Newfarmer
$50 on behalf of Chint Murdock
$50 on behalf of Cynthia Campbell
$50 in support of Julie Gee
$50 on behalf of Lily Newfarmer
$50 on behalf of Shelli McCoy
$50 from Anonymous

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