Who We Feed
The Wegmans East Avenue Grocery Run provides funds to Rochester-area food pantries and emergency meal programs. These organizations are invited to participate in our event and receive funds, by recruiting a team of supporters to register for our event. Our event website also provides a fundraising platform for these hunger programs. For more information about how to participate, reach out to Ellen Rye at ryeellen1@gmail.com.
- A Meal & More Inc.
- Asbury Community Outreach Center
- Brockport Food Pantry
- Cameron Community Ministries
- Charles Settlement House
- Church of Love Faith Center
- Community Place of Greater Rochester
- Cornerstone Presbyterian Church
- Dimitri House
- East High
- First Presbyterian Church of Chili
- Foodlink
- Gates Presbyterian Church
- Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf
- Helio Health Foundation
- House of Mercy
- Irondequoit Community Cupboard
- Irondequoit Presbyterian Church
- Joseph's Place
- Loop Ministries
- Marion Food Pantry
- Messiah Lutheran Church
- Penfield Ecumenical Food Shelf
- Penfield HOPE
- Pittsford Food Cupboard
- RF Mission
- RIT FoodShare
- Rochester Deaf Kitchen
- Schroeder Families in Need
- Set Free Pantry
- St. Andrews Food Cupboard
- St. Peter's Kitchen
- St. Thomas Episcopal Church
- The People’s Pantry
- Third Presbyterian Church Hunger Ministry
- Trinity Emmanuel Presbyterian Church
- UR Medicine Food Pantry
- Victor Farmington Food Cupboard
- Webster HOPE
- Willow Domestic Violence Center