Everything you need to know in one place.
With RunSignup and GiveSignup's reporting, you have full visibility across your marketing, registration, fundraising, and financial data in one place. Build customizable reports in minutes. Easily download datasets and reports at any time. View pre-built reports that seamlessly integrate fundraiser and donor data with your participant data. Simple summary, deposit, and financial reporting and reconciliation means no more merchant reports or Vlookups.
Request a DemoPromotion Reports
View Sample Promotion Reports
Easy to understand reports across your digital marketing and viral social marketing activities let you optimize your marketing spend to boost registrations and increase donations.
View Sample ReportsView Sample Participant and Volunteer Reports
We make it simple for you to view your participants' registration, financial, fundraising, and team data in a single report. Easily view, search, and export your participant data from your Race Dashboard. Create custom participant reports, save those reports, and delegate access to your team so that they can access and export the data that they need.
View Sample ReportsParticipant and Volunteer Reports
Fundraising Reports
View Sample Donation and Fundraising Reports
View and manage your fundraisers and donors with easy-to-understand reports. Generate reports and take actions like email reminders to incentivize your fundraisers. Simple to export as a CSV.
View Sample ReportsView Sample Payment Reports
Simple summary, deposit, and financial reporting and reconciliation means no more merchant reports or Vlookups.
View Sample Reports