Welcome! Thank you for visiting this page. I am Roxanne, and a member of the Friends & Family of FLT Edward D Bergdoll team, and this is my individual fundraising page.
Please support my team, mission, and others in our family's 3rd BFit Challenge. Our team, since 2022, has participated in this event in the memory of Boston Fire Lieutenant Edward D. Bergdoll, a beloved father, brother, husband, uncle, mentor, friend, and Local 718 Jake.
We also climb to honor and give back to our first responders and support the charities and organizations that came to the aid of Eddie's family, and many other families in need, during and following a brave and difficult battle with occupational cancer.
All donations to our team's fundraising efforts will benefit the One Hundred Club of Massachusetts. This registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization provides support and benefits to the surviving families of first responders who have battled with illnesses, injuries, or have lost their lives in the line of duty.
The compassion, aid and generosity provided by foundations and charities such as the One Hundred Club, the Boston Fire Cancer Foundation and other generous benefactors are a crucial and important resource.
Fire Lieutenant Bergdoll's legacy is built on love, kindness, generosity, and commitment to the brotherhood. Last, but not least, Eddie had an unrelenting love for the Lord and faith in his savior. As a devout servant and follower of Christ, Eddie celebrated life, rejected fear, and loved unconditionally.
As is his way, we take part in this event to acknowledge and show gratitude to first responders, and Eddie, for their dedication and commitment to their profession. The strength, courage, and selflessness of the protectors of our communities should never be taken for granted.
We're grateful to anyone who would like to support us in our cause and give back to our first responders, or join our team. We hope we see you there!
Support my participation in the 9th Annual BFit Challenge powered by National Grid where 100% of the money fundraised goes towards first responder and military charities! Thank you.