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Spring Fling Duathlon/5k

Sun March 23, 2025 Fresno, CA 93720 US Directions

Packet Pickup

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 20, 2025

March 23, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Give bibs and shirts to registered participants.


Thursday: The Bike Shop @ Woodward, 9433 N Fort Washington Rd, Fresno

Saturday (Race Day): When you arrive at Woodward Park, enter at the Friant/Ft. Washington entrance. Please check at the volunteer tent near the "Compass" just North of the entrance on the trail near the Friant entrance.

Note: You must check in with the volunteer coordinator in order to get your promo code for a future race.

Transition Setup (Friday Before Race) High Priority

March 22, 2025


Help setup transition area. We will be setting up barricades, bike racks and canopies, and filling in a few squirrel/gopher holes.


When you arrive at Woodward Park, enter at the Friant/Ft. Washington entrance. Please check in with the volunteer coordinator near the "Compass" just North of the entrance on the trail near the Friant entrance.

Note: You must check in and out with the volunteer coordinator in order to get your discount code for a future race.

Race Morning Setup High Priority

March 23, 2025


Help with final setup before the race.


When you arrive at Woodward Park, enter at the Friant/Ft. Washington entrance. Please check in with the volunteer coordinator near the "Compass" just North of the entrance on the trail near the Friant entrance.

Note: You must check in and out with the volunteer coordinator in order to get your discount code for a future race.

Volunteer Check In

March 23, 2025


Assist with checking in and directing volunteers to assignments and handing out volunteer t-shirts.


When you arrive at Woodward Park, enter at the Friant/Ft. Washington entrance. Please check in with the volunteer coordinator near the "Compass" just North of the entrance on the trail near the Friant entrance.

Note: You must check in and out with the volunteer coordinator in order to get your discount code for a future race.

Transition Area

March 23, 2025


Body Marking before the race starts.
Controlling entry and exit so only participants are in the transition area.
Enforcing the Mount/Dismount line.
Ensure that helmets are buckled while moving a bike during the race.
Smile and Cheer!

Thank you for volunteering. Great events don't happen without great volunteers. Job assignments may change as we try to cover the most critical positions. If you are volunteering with a friend and want to be at the same location together, please email the race director at When you arrive at Woodward Park, enter at the Friant/Ft. Washington entrance.


When you arrive at Woodward Park, enter at the Friant/Ft. Washington entrance. Please check in with the volunteer coordinator near the "Compass" just North of the entrance on the trail near the Friant entrance.

Note: You must check in and out with the volunteer coordinator in order to get your discount code for a future race.

Transition Exit High Priority

March 23, 2025


Direct cyclists to mount at the “Mount Line”.
Runners leaving transition turn left, then right.
Runners returning from “Duathlon 1st Run” follow flags into transition.


When you arrive at Woodward Park, enter at the Friant/Ft. Washington entrance. Please check in with the volunteer coordinator near the "Compass" just North of the entrance on the trail near the Friant entrance.

Note: You must check in and out with the volunteer coordinator in order to get your discount code for a future race.

Food Prep/Service

March 23, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Assist prepping and serving after participants finish. Make sure athletes have what they need, and know the options. Athletes may be tired and disoriented. Positive attitude is a must, and a team player mindset.

Thank you for volunteering! Great events don't happen without great volunteers. Job assignments may change as we try to cover the most critical positions. If you are volunteering with a friend and want to be at the same location together, please email the race director at


When you arrive at Woodward Park, enter at the Friant/Ft. Washington entrance. Please check in with the volunteer coordinator near the "Compass" just North of the entrance on the trail near the Friant entrance.

Note: You must check in and out with the volunteer coordinator in order to get your discount code for a future race.

General Help Low Priority

March 23, 2025


We need volunteers that are flexible to fill positions that empty or short on race day.

Thank you for volunteering. Great events don't happen without great volunteers. Job assignments may change as we try to cover the most critical positions. If you are volunteering with a friend and want to be at the same location together, please email the race director at


When you arrive at Woodward Park, enter at the Friant/Ft. Washington entrance. Please check in with the volunteer coordinator near the "Compass" just North of the entrance on the trail near the Friant entrance.

Note: You must check in and out with the volunteer coordinator in order to get your discount code for a future race.

Run Aid Station High Priority

March 23, 2025


Offer water/electrolytes to participants as they go by. Make sure used cups are picked up throughout the run. Smile and cheer!
Thank you for volunteering. Great events don't happen without great volunteers. Job assignments may change as we try to cover the most critical positions. If you are volunteering with a friend and want to be at the same location together, please email the race director at


When you arrive at Woodward Park, enter at the Friant/Ft. Washington entrance. Please check in with the volunteer coordinator near the "Compass" just North of the entrance on the trail near the Friant entrance.

Note: You must check in and out with the volunteer coordinator in order to get your discount code for a future race.

Run Course Monitor High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 23, 2025


Make sure runners are on the correct path. These are positions where it is easy to go the wrong way. Smile and cheer!

Thank you for volunteering. Great events don't happen without great volunteers. Job assignments may change as we try to cover the most critical positions. If you are volunteering with a friend and want to be at the same location together, please email the race director at


When you arrive at Woodward Park, enter at the Friant/Ft. Washington entrance. Please check in with the volunteer coordinator near the "Compass" just North of the entrance on the trail near the Friant entrance.

Note: You must check in and out with the volunteer coordinator in order to get your discount code for a future race.

Bike Course Monitor High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 23, 2025


Keep cyclists heading in the correct direction. Bike monitors are located at places where it is easy to make a wrong turn. The turns will be well marked, but it helps to have a person to point the way and to yell out if someone starts to make a wrong turn. Smile and Cheer!

Thank you for volunteering. Great events don't happen without great volunteers. Job assignments may change as we try to cover the most critical positions. If you are volunteering with a friend and want to be at the same location together, please email the race director at


When you arrive at Woodward Park, enter at the Friant/Ft. Washington entrance. Please check in with the volunteer coordinator near the "Compass" just North of the entrance on the trail near the Friant entrance.

Note: You must check in and out with the volunteer coordinator in order to get your discount code for a future race.

Road Bike Sweep High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 23, 2025


Follow last road bike duathlon participant to transition area to ensure all cyclists are off of the road bike course.


When you arrive at Woodward Park, enter at the Friant/Ft. Washington entrance. Please check in with the volunteer coordinator near the "Compass" just North of the entrance on the trail near the Friant entrance.

Note: You must check in and out with the volunteer coordinator in order to get your discount code for a future race.

First Responoder or EMT High Priority

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 23, 2025


First responder provides first aid for scratches, sprains, etc and advises if an ambulance is necessary. Located near the start/finish line.


When you arrive at Woodward Park, enter at the Friant/Ft. Washington entrance. Please check in with the volunteer coordinator near the "Compass" just North of the entrance on the trail near the Friant entrance.

Note: You must check in and out with the volunteer coordinator in order to get your discount code for a future race.

Finish Line (Water/Medals)

March 23, 2025


Hand out water & medals. Make sure ankle chips are removed. Athletes may be tired and disoriented. Positive attitude is a must. Smile and cheer!

Thank you for volunteering! Great events don't happen without great volunteers. Job assignments may change as we try to cover the most critical positions. If you are volunteering with a friend and want to be at the same location together, please email the race director at


When you arrive at Woodward Park, enter at the Friant/Ft. Washington entrance. Please check in with the volunteer coordinator near the "Compass" just North of the entrance on the trail near the Friant entrance.

Note: You must check in and out with the volunteer coordinator in order to get your discount code for a future race.

Clean Up High Priority

March 23, 2025


Help with cleaning, tear down, and pack up after the event.


When you arrive at Woodward Park, enter at the Friant/Ft. Washington entrance. Please check in with the volunteer coordinator near the "Compass" just North of the entrance on the trail near the Friant entrance.

Note: You must check in and out with the volunteer coordinator in order to get your discount code for a future race.

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