1. RunSignup
  2. API
  3. Methods
  4. Get Removed Race Participants

Get Removed Race Participants

Use this API to get a list of participants that were removed from an event in a race.

Gets participants that were removed from a specific event in a race, including basic registration information and user information. Removed participants refers to registrants who:

  • Cleared their registration in the first 15 minutes of their registration (cleared).
  • Were issued refunds or manually removed with no refund (removed).
  • Were transferred to another event (transferred).
  • Deferred their registration (deferred).

The string in parenthesis is the code that will appear in the removed_reason field of the registration. The transferred registrations will include a new_registration_id field.

Please note that this API returns results in pages. The page, results_per_page, and sort parameters can be used to control paging. You should consider using after_registration_id and/or modified_after_timestamp to download registrations since the last API request when you download participants over time.

When using modified_after_timestamp, note that it returns removed participants that have been modified on or after the specified timestamp. If modified_after_timestamp is used in conjunction with the highest returned modified timestamp for subsequent API calls, you may need to increment modified_after_timestamp to prevent the same removed participant(s) from being returned each time.

Response Format

	"event": {
		"event_id": 12890,
		"participants": [
				"user": {
					"user_id": 123654,
					"first_name": "Jane",
					"middle_name": null,
					"last_name": "Doe",
					"email": "jane.doe@example.com",
					"address": {
						"street": "123 Main St.",
						"city": "Moorestown",
						"state": "NJ",
						"zipcode": "08057",
						"country_code": "US"
					"dob": "1970-01-01",
					"gender": "F",
					"phone": "856-029-4233",
					"profile_image_url": null
				"registration_id": 2645629,
				"age": 51,
				"registration_date": "2021-09-07 15:20:36",
				"last_modified": "2021-09-23 09:54:37",
				"last_modified_ts": 1632405277,
				"imported": "F",
				"race_fee": "$55.00",
				"processing_fee": "$2.75",
				"processing_fee_paid_by_user": "$2.75",
				"processing_fee_paid_by_race": "$0.00",
				"amount_paid": "$57.75",
				"removed_reason": "removed",
				"new_registration_id": null



HTTP Method


Standard Parameters

Parameter HTTP Method Default Description Datatype
api_key GET API Key string
api_secret GET API Secret string
tmp_key GET Temporary API Key from login API call. This should NOT be used in combination with API Key. string
tmp_secret GET Temporary API Secret from login API call. This should NOT be used in combination with API Secret. string
rsu_api_key GET API v2 key. If used, you must send the API secret in an HTTP header named X-RSU-API-SECRET. string
sp_api_key GET Super partner API key. If used, you must send the API secret in an HTTP header named X-RSU-API-SECRET. string
X-RSU-API-SECRET HTTP Header API v2 or super partner secret. string
format GET xml Format of response. The default if not sent is `xml`, but `json` is preferred. format


Parameter HTTP Method Default Description Datatype
GET ID of race. uint
GET ID of event or list of event IDs separated by commas. id_list
page GET 1 Page number to get. uint
results_per_page GET 50 Number of results per page. uint
sort GET registration_id ASC Sort by "registration_id", "registration_date" or "last_modified" in ascending ("ASC") or descending ("DESC") order. string
after_registration_id GET Get registrations after the given registration ID. int
modified_after_timestamp GET Get registrations modified on or after a given time. unix_timestamp
condensed_format GET Use the condensed format, which only includes IDs and the reason for removal from the race. bool
supports_nb GET F Does integration support non-binary X gender? bool

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