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About Us!

The Triple Cities Runners Club was created in 1971 with the purpose of promoting and supporting all avenues of running in the local area, and be a driving force in helping the running community to be united, strong, and continue to grow.

We welcome runners of ALL abilities, whether you are a competitive racer, run for fitness, seasoned veteran, or just beginning; we are here to support everyone. As a member of TCRC, you will be part of that community, help support the club's efforts, and enjoy the camaraderie of other club members and local runners, group runs, workouts, races, special events, and more!

Individual adult or junior memberships as well as family memberships are available.

Memberships cover the calendar year (1/1 – 12/31). Join between November 1 and December 31 and receive membership through the next calendar year (e.g., 11/01/2024-12/31/2025). 
Family memberships are available for persons at the same address.
Junior memberships are available for those 21 and under on the date of joining or renewing.
Existing members should renew annually.



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