Name | Title |
Carl Voellmecke | President |
Becca Rohner | Vice President |
TBD | Member at Large |
Andrew Martin | Treasurer |
Ray McMahon | Secretary |
Chris Taylor | Head Coach |
If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.
The Columbus Westside Running Club (CWRC) is an adults-only organization. Minors under the age of 18 are only permitted to participate in club activities when accompanied by and under the supervision of a parent, guardian, or another designated responsible adult. The CWRC is not responsible for providing supervision for minors, and unsupervised minors are not permitted to participate in any club activities. Any adult supervising minors must comply with abuse prevention training as per the Safe Sport Act, and report any suspicions of abuse to law enforcement within 24 hours, as required by law.