At Hitachi, we consider UN-established sustainable development goals crucial to realizing a sustainable society and improving people’s quality of life. We are committed to contributing toward achieving SDGs by leveraging our Social Innovation Business and driving global sustainability across industries and society.

To strengthen ties with our local communities, Hitachi strives to contribute to resolve social issues within communities. Our group companies always aim to develop relationships of mutual trust within the communities we reside by offering assistance to solve ongoing issues of food scarcity and poverty.

Hitachi always encourages its employees to volunteer help during emergencies like natural disasters. We provide additional resources, raise funds, and initiate anonymous donations to ensure that serious issues are relieved effectively and swiftly.


Hitachi Careers in Bland

The Hitachi Energy dry type transformer factory in Bland, VA recently celebrated 50 years of being in business! The factory, which is the leading supplier of dry type transformers in North America, has been a cornerstone of the Bland community for those 50 years. Check out all their open positions!

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