A Note from Angela

In 2018 after many, many years of planning, working & waiting....watching our farm & children grow, waiting for the time to be "right" and the "what-ifs" to work themselves out, the doors were opened to Woodstock Creamery at Valleyside Farm! From the beginning, we have been able to continue our commitment to our Cabot Co-op while still being able to offer our own milk, yogurt, and of course our SKYR, which are all processed in our on-farm creamery. We have since added various specialty milks, dips, labneh, our own creamery style frozen skyr, sorbet, our own beef, pork and lamb!  We offer farm raised chicken from our friends at Blackmer Farms in Thompson, and turkey products from Ekonk Hill Turkey Farm in Sterling.  We also have locally made ice cream from We-Li-Kit in Pomfret and Ekonk Hill, as well as many local artisan products.

As our family looks to continue our longstanding legacy of loving our land, our cows, and our neighbors seek ways to connect to where their food comes from, we are hopeful for the future of our family's farm. We look forward to providing our community with the same high quality milk, dairy products and meat that we enjoy in our own home.