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Kimberly Clark

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Raised of $100



Hi there!

I am participating in the Lucky Kidney Run, a part of Knox Shamrock Fest, raising money for the East Tennessee Kidney Foundation. Please help me reach my goal by making a donation. Donations are 100% tax-deductible.

The East Tennessee Kidney Foundation is 100% LOCAL. They provide financial assistance for dialysis transportation, money for dental work that patients cannot afford, and nutritional supplements to patients in poor health. Your donation stays LOCAL and helps East Tennesseans with limited income and resources.

Thank you in advance for helping me reach my goal! I prefer that my donations to stay local and help people in our community; many people I've talked to feel the same way.

On behalf of the East Tennessee Kidney Foundation, those suffering from kidney disease in our community, my fundraising team and myself, thank you for your support and generosity! You are helping to make our community a better and healthier place to live!

Make donation checks payable to the East Tennessee Kidney Foundation and include your fundraiser name in the memo line for credit. All checks can be mailed to the East Tennessee Kidney Foundation, P.O. Box 22072, Knoxville, TN 37933.

For questions, please call the ETKF office at 865-288-7351 or email Race Director, Katie Martin,

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