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Born to Run - Baton Rouge

Sat November 16, 2024 Baton Rouge, LA 70801 US Directions
Team Fundraiser

St. Patrick Life Brigade -TEAM SPEEDY

Fundraiser Login
Current Team Members:


Raised of $6,000



WNLC is a life-affirming counseling and medical clinic that serves women facing unplanned pregnancies in the Greater Baton Rouge and New Orleans areas.
YOU can help WNLC continue to support women in need by donating to this cause.

Top Donors

$7,045 Raised By 76 Donors

$1,000 from Anonymous
$1,000 on behalf of Mary Benson
$260 on behalf of In Memory of Speedy Gonzales
$250 from Anonymous
$200 on behalf of Kevin Doiron
$200 from Anonymous
$200 on behalf of Nancy & Doug Jones
$200 on behalf of Sara and Brian Rounds
$150 on behalf of cammie talbot
$150 on behalf of Dr. Fred Cardwell
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Barbara Cefalu
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Greg Brandao
$100 on behalf of In memory of Speedy Gonzales
$100 on behalf of Kristian and Tram Fruge
$100 on behalf of Lisa Gulino
$100 in support of Lisa Zumo
$100 in support of Lisa Zumo
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Nickie Dimaio
$100 on behalf of Paw Paw Speedy
$100 in support of Peter Zumo
$100 in support of Peter Zumo
$100 on behalf of RL Major
$100 on behalf of Speedy and Helen Gonzales
$100 on behalf of Tim Craig
$100 on behalf of TIMOTHY & MARLEEN GARITTY
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of D & M LeBlancs LeBlanc
$50 on behalf of Debbir Kirsch
$50 on behalf of Gail Mackey
$50 in support of Karen Loden
$50 on behalf of Lisa Hoffpauir
$50 on behalf of Nicholas David Rogers
$50 on behalf of Shari Nicolich
$50 on behalf of Sherri Oneal
$50 in support of Team Speedy
$50 in support of Team Speedy
$50 on behalf of Team Speedy
$50 in support of Team Speedy
$50 on behalf of Team Speedy
$50 on behalf of William Bailey
$40 from Anonymous
$40 on behalf of Janet Reine
$30 on behalf of Angelique Chaney
$30 on behalf of Speedy Gonzales
$25 on behalf of Brian Thibodaux
$25 on behalf of Carolyn & Brent Couvillion
$25 on behalf of Dianne Diliberto
$25 on behalf of Faye Coorpender
$25 from Anonymous
$25 in support of Helen Dedon
$25 on behalf of Jeanne Billodeaux
$25 in support of Jeff Singleton
$25 on behalf of Laura DePhillips
$25 in support of Lisa Zumo
$25 on behalf of Mary Gibbens
$25 on behalf of Michael Oufnac
$25 on behalf of Rose Brian
$25 on behalf of Scott Chapman
$25 in support of Speedy
$25 on behalf of Speedy Gonzales
$25 on behalf of Staci Polozola
$25 on behalf of susan kropp
$25 on behalf of The memory of Nicholas Lewis
$20 on behalf of Darilyn Murphy
$20 on behalf of Elizabeth Reno
$20 on behalf of Maria Simon
$20 on behalf of Matt Conine
$20 on behalf of Myra and Burke Broussard
$20 on behalf of Sabrina Peck
$20 on behalf of Yvette Caillouet
$20 on behalf of Zoila Andricain
$10 on behalf of Sarah Munn

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