Raised of $100
The Hilton-Parma Emergency Foodshelf serves the food insecure families in the Hilton, NY School District. In addition to the website, you can find regular information at the Hilton-Parma Emergency Foodshelf Facebook page.
Typical Needs
Baked Beans
Canned Pasta
Canned stew, chili, hash
Canned vegetables
Canned Fruit
Oatmeal & Cereal
Paper Products (Toilet Paper, Paper Towels)
Pasta Sauce
Pasta Sides
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Progresso & Chunky soups
Rice Sides
Personal Hygiene Items (deodorant, soap, shampoo) are also desired.
Regular Collection Points
If you are able to donate, please bring the food to the foodshelf located in the
Community Center. We are open on Tuesdays (9-11 a.m.), Wednesdays (9 a.m. - 12 p.m.),
Thursdays (6-7 p.m.), and Fridays (9-11 a.m.).
Drop off boxes are also located in Tops and the Community Center.