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Fri May 1 - Sun May 3 Rochester, NY 14623 US

Corbin Billings

Fundraiser Login




Hi friends! I have registered for the Stronger Together 100-Minute Race. It’s a virtual race to benefit Heritage Christian Services Emergency Fund, which provides urgent relief to HCS as it works to recover from financial setbacks from the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds will be directed precisely where they need to go, with three critical areas: to maintain staffing levels and pay overtime and, health and medical supplies plus support for programs.

As part of Stronger Together, I will have 100 minutes to race as many miles as I am able. Will you consider sponsoring me? It would mean a great deal to me and make a big difference of the lives of those supported by HCS. Simply click the link below and it will bring you to my fundraising page.

As you may know, Heritage Christian Services partners with thousands of people throughout Rochester
and Buffalo to ensure that everyone – including children and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities – feels valued and respected. Most of the agency’s more than 3,000 employees work to support people so they can find the best place to live, work and build strong community connections through residential, day, respite, self-direction and employment supports. The agency is also known for community impact programs that promote high-quality childcare, education, health and wellness, and self-empowerment.

Thank you again for your consideration. Your gift will make a direct impact on the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities during this unprecedented time.

Although donating online is the most safe and efficient way to make a gift, if you prefer, you can mail your donation to:
Heritage Christian Services
Attn: Sue Hoh / Stronger Together
275 Kenneth Drive, Suite 100
Rochester, NY 14623

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