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Fri May 1 - Sun May 3 Rochester, NY 14623 US


Donation Goal: $100,000

Heritage Christian Services' goal for Stronger Together is $100,000.

Making a gift online is the most efficient and secure way to donate. If you'd prefer to submit a donation offline, please send them to: 

Heritage Christian Services, Stronger Together, 275 Kenneth Drive, Suite 100, Rochester NY 14623



Raised of $100,000


Top Donors

$38,989 Raised By 353 Donors

$10,000 on behalf of The Joseph And Irene Skalny Charitable Trust
$2,500 in support of RBC Wealth Management
$2,500 on behalf of The Steinwachs Family
$1,000 on behalf of digm
$500 in honor of All the dedicated HCS employees
$500 on behalf of Allen & Mary Lou Barnett
$500 on behalf of Howard Hanna Real Estate Services
$500 on behalf of Rebecca Schaeffer
$500 on behalf of Richard Marchese
$500 on behalf of Suzanne and Robert Nye
$400 on behalf of Aaron Horning
$400 on behalf of Lauren and Paul McClure
$250 in memory of Butch Clark
$250 from Anonymous
$250 on behalf of Dana and Wanda Drake
$250 on behalf of Jan & Mike Osborn
$250 on behalf of Jim Goetz
$250 from Anonymous
$250 on behalf of Mark Zawacki
$250 on behalf of Richard McNeary and Sarah White
$250 on behalf of Scott Lefebre
$250 in honor of TIM LITTLE
$200 on behalf of Laura Ryan
$150 in memory of Charles & Carmela Amabile
$150 on behalf of Chris Hayes
$150 on behalf of Michelle Liptak
$100 on behalf of Cosmo and Marie
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Akiko Hattori
$100 on behalf of Alicia Ifshin
$100 on behalf of All the amazing direct support staff at Heritage Christian
$100 in support of Anika DeMart
$100 on behalf of Anne Freeman
$100 on behalf of Barb Lucke
$100 on behalf of BN QA Team
$100 on behalf of Brian Witt
$100 in support of Carl Luger
$100 on behalf of Cecilia and Dave Tandy
$100 on behalf of Charleen, Chris, Duncan Hubbell
$100 on behalf of Claire and Patrick Tandy
$100 on behalf of Clark Taylor
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Dawn and Jay Williams
$100 on behalf of Deb Marcuccilli
$100 on behalf of Deborah Trageser
$100 in memory of Dennis Goldsmith
$100 on behalf of Elizabeth Osborn
$100 on behalf of Ellen and Dan Osborn
$100 on behalf of Ellen Collard
$100 on behalf of Eva and Mark Kresic
$100 in honor of frontline hero’s- HCS direct support professionals
$100 on behalf of Gary Zawacki
$100 on behalf of Geoffrey Cook
$100 on behalf of Geoffrey Johnston
$100 on behalf of Heather Geoca
$100 in support of Heritage Christian Services
$100 in support of In memory of Katie who is so proud of all of you!
$100 in support of James Taylor
$100 in support of Jamie
$100 on behalf of Jamie Rhinehart
$100 in memory of Jim & Linda Seitz
$100 on behalf of Joshua Potter
$100 in support of Julie Owen
$100 on behalf of Julie St.Germaine
$100 on behalf of Katherine McIntosh's team
$100 on behalf of Kathy Williams
$100 on behalf of Kayla Tandy
$100 on behalf of Keith Sanger
$100 on behalf of Kurt Hoffman
$100 on behalf of Kyle McFadden
$100 in memory of Lucretia Lettau
$100 on behalf of Makenna Osborn
$100 on behalf of Mark Ettel
$100 on behalf of Matt Collard
$100 on behalf of Matt Murphy
$100 on behalf of Merit Wilkinson
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Nikisha Ridgeway
$100 in honor of Norma Mc Lernon
$100 in support of Our Community
$100 on behalf of Patricia Feola
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Peter Miller
$100 on behalf of Rachel Ryan
$100 on behalf of Robert Pieters
$100 in support of Ruth Benjamin
$100 on behalf of Sarah & George Kittredge
$100 on behalf of Sissy Murphy
$100 on behalf of Stephanie Seiffert
$100 on behalf of Terri Persons
$100 in support of Terry Baird-Wittman
$100 on behalf of The Burke Family
$100 in honor of The Ferguson family. I miss you all so much!
$100 on behalf of The Frontline Heroes
$100 in honor of The Osborn Family
$100 in support of The Zawacki Family
$100 on behalf of Tim & Mary Ann Ball
$100 on behalf of Tim ONeil
$100 on behalf of Tim ONeil
$100 on behalf of William Brooks
$88 on behalf of Christopher Cordes
$81 in honor of Diane Sturmer
$75 in support of Lisa Nesbitt and Onni Peck
$75 on behalf of STEVE KOZLOWSKI
$60 on behalf of Lynne Willett
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of allyson czaja
$50 on behalf of Alyssa Owen
$50 on behalf of Amy Jeroy
$50 in memory of Amy Tessoni
$50 on behalf of Ann Granville-Jakubczak
$50 on behalf of Ann Marie Falcon
$50 on behalf of BOB BOWER
$50 on behalf of Bruce & Stephanie Lewis
$50 on behalf of Carol Yancey
$50 from Anonymous
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Cathy Slattery
$50 on behalf of Claire Pike
$50 on behalf of Colleen Brunson
$50 on behalf of CRC
$50 on behalf of Daniel Gribbin
$50 in support of Daniela Combe
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Dawn Borgeest
$50 on behalf of Donald and Linda Stewart
$50 on behalf of ELIZABETH BARRY
$50 on behalf of Ella, Leslie & Jason
$50 from Anonymous
$50 in memory of Glen A. Gau
$50 on behalf of glenda Roberts
$50 in memory of Grandpa
$50 on behalf of Jack & Bonnie Garner
$50 in support of Jack Kelley
$50 on behalf of Jamie Rhinehart
$50 in support of Jamie Rhinehart
$50 on behalf of Janelle Toukatly
$50 on behalf of Jann Nyffeler
$50 on behalf of Jann Nyffeler
$50 on behalf of Jeannine Garfield
$50 in support of Jennison Bielemeier
$50 on behalf of Jeremiah Frick
$50 on behalf of Joe and Lindsey Benjamin
$50 on behalf of Jordan D
$50 from Anonymous
$50 in support of Julie Owen
$50 on behalf of Karen McNutt
$50 on behalf of Karen Schimpf
$50 on behalf of Karl and Anna Salzer
$50 on behalf of Katherine Bennett
$50 in support of Kathleen Forney
$50 on behalf of Kathy McCarthy
$50 in support of Katie Holleran
$50 on behalf of Kevin, Kristen & Seth Schroder
$50 on behalf of Kim Osborn
$50 on behalf of Lisa and Bob Lelio
$50 on behalf of Lucy Williams
$50 on behalf of Lynn Watnik
$50 in support of Marcia Brown, Audra Kelley
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Mary and James Holleran
$50 on behalf of MaryAnn McClurg
$50 on behalf of Maureen Holland
$50 on behalf of Megan Battista
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Nancy McCulloch
$50 in honor of our children and grandchildren
$50 on behalf of Paul Miller
$50 on behalf of Paul Scott
$50 on behalf of Peter Rich
$50 on behalf of PHYLLIS AMABILE
$50 on behalf of Rachel Leidenfrost
$50 in honor of Reat Nhial Tuany
$50 on behalf of Richarfd Walker
$50 on behalf of Rick Kasperski
$50 in support of Roberta Johansen
$50 on behalf of Ruth Benjamin
$50 on behalf of Samantha Webster
$50 on behalf of Sean Tandy
$50 on behalf of Sharon Cook
$50 on behalf of Susan Barker
$50 on behalf of Suzie Kania
$50 in memory of Taylor Early
$50 in support of The amazing frontline support professionals at HCS.
$50 on behalf of The Osborn Family
$50 in memory of Thomas R. Ross
$50 from Anonymous
$50 in memory of Tom Ross
$50 on behalf of Tracey Dreisbach
$50 on behalf of Tyler Gregory
$50 on behalf of Tyler Wickerham
$50 on behalf of Vern and Barbara Dannemiller
$50 in support of Wendy Beard
$50 on behalf of Whitney Lane
$50 on behalf of William Cordes
$50 on behalf of Wyatt Olney
$40 in support of Karen Nesbitt
$40 on behalf of Tenneal Eardman
$35 on behalf of Christene DeJong
$35 on behalf of Christine Roth
$30 in support of Katie
$30 in support of The Flossies
$25 on behalf of All essential workers like you, who do so much for our most vulnerable!
$25 in support of All of the DSP's
$25 in support of All The Amazing Staff at HCS
$25 on behalf of All those working
$25 in support of Amy Lembo
$25 on behalf of Amy Matzan
$25 on behalf of Andrea Joyce
$25 on behalf of Anna Mulcahy
$25 on behalf of Anne Pawlowski
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Bethany Arnold
$25 on behalf of Blaese Baker
$25 on behalf of Bobbie Dardano
$25 in memory of Bobby Pieters
$25 in memory of Butch Clark
$25 on behalf of Carol Ennis
$25 on behalf of Carrie Magnan
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Catherine Feola
$25 on behalf of cathy Barczak
$25 on behalf of Christine Faulkner
$25 on behalf of Christine Newcombe
$25 on behalf of Christine Zimmer
$25 on behalf of Clare Gunther
$25 on behalf of Dan Deiure
$25 on behalf of Darwin Bonnie Doty
$25 on behalf of Debbie Thomann
$25 on behalf of Donna Golder
$25 on behalf of Dylan Hook
$25 on behalf of Ed Driscoll
$25 on behalf of Elise Rumpf
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Erin DiVincenzo
$25 on behalf of Erin Rebholz
$25 from Anonymous
$25 in support of Glenda Roberts
$25 on behalf of Heather Wilson
$25 in memory of Her dad
$25 on behalf of Jan Miller
$25 on behalf of Jane and Kitch Kitchenman
$25 on behalf of Janet McGuire
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Jennifer Skerrett
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Jim and Cheryl VanDerWall
$25 on behalf of Jim Holleran
$25 in memory of Jimmy
$25 in memory of Jimmy Sassenhausen
$25 from Anonymous
$25 in support of Julie Owen
$25 on behalf of Justin Steinbach
$25 on behalf of Karen Violanti
$25 on behalf of Karen Marcus
$25 on behalf of Kathryn Henderlong
$25 in support of Kathyann Henderberg
$25 in honor of Katie Holleran
$25 on behalf of Kristine Garcia
$25 on behalf of L Hitchings
$25 on behalf of Landon
$25 on behalf of Laura Kratochvill
$25 on behalf of Liberato Pietrantoni
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Linda Russo
$25 in support of Lindsay Diles
$25 on behalf of Lindsey Poh
$25 on behalf of Marie Griffin
$25 on behalf of Mark Heiler
$25 on behalf of Martin Ohman
$25 on behalf of Mary Kloch
$25 on behalf of Mary Lou Meng
$25 on behalf of Matt Bull
$25 in support of Matt Hourihan
$25 on behalf of Megan Osborn
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Melissa Jaeger
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Michelina Wojton
$25 on behalf of Michelle Mulcahy
$25 on behalf of Mildred Pavlowski
$25 on behalf of Miriam Keller
$25 on behalf of My dancing friend, Ed and Heart of Dance
$25 on behalf of Nancy McAfee
$25 on behalf of Paul Fredericks
$25 on behalf of Peggi Atwood
$25 in honor of Pine Hill ladies and staff
$25 in honor of Pine Hill ladies and staff
$25 in honor of Pine Hill ladies and staff
$25 in honor of Pine Hill ladies and staff
$25 on behalf of Randy Lockhart
$25 on behalf of Richard Miller
$25 in support of Ro-Jim Fitz
$25 on behalf of Rob Roan
$25 in support of Robert and Maureen Masten
$25 in memory of Rose Rosenberg
$25 on behalf of Ryan Tandy
$25 on behalf of Sandra Kelley
$25 in support of Sherry Murdock
$25 on behalf of Stephanie Bills
$25 on behalf of SUSAN PLUFF
$25 from Anonymous
$25 in support of Teresa Moreira-weil
$25 on behalf of The Burke Family
$25 in support of The DeMarts
$25 on behalf of The Jackson Family
$25 on behalf of Theresa DiMuro-Wilber
$25 on behalf of Tim Cook
$25 from Anonymous
$25 in support of Tracy Terry
$25 on behalf of Tyler Endres
$25 in support of Vernon Burke
$25 from Anonymous
$20 from Anonymous
$20 in support of Cindi Spezio
$20 in support of Cindi Spezio
$20 on behalf of Dad
$20 on behalf of Dan Macpherson
$20 in support of Jamie rhinehart
$20 on behalf of Jamie Rhinehart
$20 on behalf of Kathy and Gary Unterborn
$20 on behalf of Katy Wright
$20 on behalf of Kevin Denton
$20 on behalf of Michael Brown
$20 on behalf of Mike Monaghan
$20 on behalf of Moira Kreason
$20 in honor of Steve McAlpin
$20 in honor of the unsung heroes
$20 in support of V Cutler
$15 on behalf of Grammy
$15 in support of Lakeaya Hartzog
$15 on behalf of Pattie Parker
$15 on behalf of Stephanie Prunoske
$10 on behalf of Abigail Deacon
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of debora boynton
$10 in support of Dedicated staff
$10 on behalf of Eugene Schneider-Jamie's shining light!
$10 in support of Fern Cardella
$10 on behalf of in honor of Eugene and Jamie's love for each other. Hugs, Jan Bansbach
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Jen Henn
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Marianne Dannemiller
$5 on behalf of Catherine DuBreck
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Manuela Bussler-Sweeney
$5 on behalf of Manuela Bussler-Sweeney
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous

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