Addressing the Root Causes

We’re Functional and Integrative Medicine specialists. Here’s what that means:

We take a systemic approach to healing. We understand your body is a complex, interdependent, wise machine. 

Conventional medicine treats you like you are a collection of independent parts and symptoms to be solved with a pill or addressed by a host of specialized clinicians with little or no coordination.

Functional Medicine recognizes that no part of the body is isolated from the functioning of its other parts. For example, your hormones affect your immune system, which affects your brain function. In other words, everything is connected— and wellness happens when we connect the puzzle pieces of symptoms together and work to address their underlying causes to help all aspects of your body work together smoothly.

We tackle the root causes of disease. Conventional medicine typically uses diagnosis that are more descriptive than diagnostic. To them arthritis simply means “joint inflammation,” and treatment might involve trying to suppress inflammation. Our Functional Medicine approach is to ask: why is there inflammation? Through detailed and expert analysis of lab testing and your life history, we can understand what’s going on in your body and how to stop the root causes of many health issues.

We incorporate the best practices from multiple healing traditions. No one body of medicine holds all of the answers, and they all have value. At InHealthRVA we try to use or refer to the best of all branches of medicine, as it is most medically and personally appropriate. 

We know that you are unique. Good healthcare is not one-size-fits-all. Your current health is the result of multiple influences including, your genetics, epigenetics, personal and environmental life history. We understand that and work with you to develop an individualized healing plan and work at a pace that is right for you.