Dr. Wang will work with your unique & individual needs to develop tailored and customized interventions using the art of knowledge- bespoke combinations of regenerative injections, Integrative Medicine, fascial layer specific hydromanipulation, diagnostic fascial sequencing approach using point-of-care ultrasonography and fascial glide and layer-specific palpatory verification, fascia tuning, movement rehabilitation- with the ultimate goal of empowering you with knowledge and strength to cultivate a life that supports and uplifts you even with the struggles of chronic illness.

  • ​Fascia / Connective Tissue Disorders (hypermobility, EDS)
  • Fascial / Soft Tissue Disorders (sprains, strains, tendonosis, enthesopathy) 
  • Joint disorders (arthritis)
  • Fascia / Inflammatory disorders (irritable bowel, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus)
  • Diagnostic fascial sequencing approach using point-of-care ultrasonography and fascial glide and layer-specific palpatory verification