ST. PATTY'S DAY "SOUTHSIDE 5K" has been postponed.
New Date: TBD
We Are Extremely Sad To Communicate The Postponement Of Our St Patrick’s Day 5K and Cancelation Of The St. Patrick's Day Parade!
As much as we love to create beautifully memorable experiences for everyone, sometimes there’s things that we can’t control. Due to sever inclement weather advisories The City Of Birmingham has required that the event be rescheduled in essence of public safety!
Over the last 4 years being consistent and dependable have been important pillars in our reputation. We are unhappy about the outcome, but we understand Safety Is the Top Priority for everyone involved.
We’re Incredibly sorry for the inconvenience, and everyone will be rolled over into the rescheduled date! We will not simply cancel this event as suggested!
Our exclusive merchandise capsule for Children's Of Alabama remains available online (ALCHEMY x CHILDRENS OF ALABAMA MERCHANDISE) + In Store! In the event you made purchases online they will be available for pick up during regular business hours. For convenience we can provide shipping of goods as well if requests are made via email.
Feel free to send us any questions you may have through the website questionnaire or our social media @alchemyruncrew , and please be patient as we confirm the newly scheduled date and packet pick-up information!
-Ace Graham