Team Captain's Guide

Thank you for making the commitment to lead as a team captain for the ASCV 5K & Family Fun Day!
Team Captains play a vital role in rallying our community. By rallying together team members and raising funds, you allow the ASCV to continue providing critical support and resources to local individuals and families impacted by autism.
We’re here to help you every step of the way to reach your team recruitment and fundraising goals. Thank you for your commitment to serving our community!

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5 Steps to Success:
1. Personalize Your Fundraising Page: Share a personal picture and/or story to show your passion for supporting our local autism community.
2. Set a Team Goal: Set a team fundraising goal. We suggest a goal of $1,500: if each member pushes to raise $150, you reach your team goal (and likely surpass it!)
3. Invite Team Members: Recruit 10+ team members and help them register online at
4. Start Fundraising:
- Encourage each team member to raise as much as they can! Use our fundraising playbook to access samples for messaging, social media templates, fundraising best practices and more.
- Don’t forget to motivate and encourage your team members along the way! Check in regularly and acknowledge when members move closer to their goal and/or achieve it.
5. Celebrate and show your team spirit at the ASCV 5K & Family Fun Day!
Jumpstart Your Team's Fundraising
1. Ask every team member to join you in making a self-donation. You could challenge them to ‘give up’ one small expense for a week to fund this donation.
2. Ask 10 friends to each donate $10. They’re likely to say yes and you’ll have raised $100 before you know it!
3. Challenge each of your Team Members to raise $500 in ten days.
4. Clean out that closet and sell your items online and put that money towards your fundraising.
5. Talk to local businesses about sponsoring your team with a donation. Offer them space on a team t-shirt in exchange for their generosity.
6. Pick a day of the week when your entire team will dedicate their social media to talk about the 5K & Family Fun Day and ask for donations.

Motivate & Engage Your Team
One of the most important parts of your role as team captain is to engage, inspire and encourage your team members. Check in with them on a regular basis to keep them focused and help them achieve their fundraising goals. Here's a few tips:
- Establish the right set of communication channels for your team. Consider creating a text group, an email group or a Facebook group
- Introduce new team members to the group as they join
- Keep the group posted on progress towards team and individual fundraising goals
- Share fundraising tips and tricks and ask team members who have been successful in fundraising to do the same
- Ask everyone on your team to link their fundraising page to their Facebook account to take advantage of the power of social media
- Celebrate strong fundraisers, large donations and milestones achieved
- Share personal stories from members of the team to inspire fundraising
- Consider creating some friendly competition or a recognition or rewards program just for your team. The prize can be as simple as bragging rights!
Find ways to reward helpful actions and meaningful milestones like:
- Making a self-donation
- Personalizing their online Fundraising Page
- Getting their first donation
- Getting the largest donation to date
- Raising the most money in a week
- Sending out the most fundraising emails
- Accomplishing their goal!