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Arnold Sports Festival - Running Events

March 2, 2025 Columbus, OH 43215 US

Refund & Waitlist FAQ

Returning for 2025!

The Arnold 5K and Arnold Pump & Run 5K will continue to offer refunds (with refund amounts graduated by date) and have a waitlist for any sold-out events. Please review all details and restrictions, as well as the help topics to assist you through any required processes. 


  • 100% of your registration fee is refundable through December 31, 2024, less a $5 refund processing fee, your paid credit card processing fees, and any sales tax
  • 50% of your registration fee is refundable from January 1, 2025, through February 26, 2025, less an additional $5 refund processing fee, your paid credit card processing fees, and any sales tax

How to request a refund

Please note: any paid credit card processing fees and/or sales tax are NOT refundable.

Should you wish to have additional protection beyond these amounts and/or dates, we do offer registration protector insurance through RegShield that you can purchase during your registration.


The Arnold Pump & Run 5K typically is a sold-out event. Again in 2025, we will be offering a waitlist. Once the event sells out, you can register to be added to a waitlist. Your credit card will not be charged until you are selected from the waitlist and complete the subsequent registration process.

  1. If your desired event is FULL (registrant cap of 1,000), use the SIGN UP process to be added to the waitlist. The waitlist operates on a first-come-first-served basis (ie, the first registrants ON the waitlist will be the first registrants ACTIVATED from the waitlist and chosen to complete the final registration process). You can choose to reserve up to two (2) registration spots per account.
  2. Through February 27, 2025, as any existing registrants remove themselves from the event for a refund (as detailed above), waitlist registrants will be notified by email that they have one day in which to complete their registration. If you do not complete your registration in this timeframe, YOU WILL FORFEIT YOUR POSITION ON THE WAITLIST! Please be sure that the email address you enter when signing up for the waitlist is one that you check regularly. The Arnold Pump & Run 5K team is not responsible for any waitlist notification emails that are missed by the waitlist user causing their registration window to expire.
  3. Complete your registration from the waitlist within the noted timeframe, and you will be added to the registrant list immediately and ready to go for the Arnold Pump & Run 5K on Sunday, March 2.

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