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Frequently Asked Questions & Contact Us

Contact us at if you have any additional questions!

Q. Are spectators and community welcome?
A. Definitely! Our runners, walkers and rollers would love to have you cheer them on. Show up as early as 8:15 to enjoy the First Responder Touch a Truck, Sponsor & Non-Profit Tables, 50/50 Raffle, music and dancing. Prize and raffle announcements will occur around 11:30 and we will wrap up around noon!

Q. Will there be an party or food and drinks? 
A. Definitely! Enjoy free food and drink to replenish yourselves! 

Q. I’m running, can my spouse/family volunteer?
A. Yes, we can use all the help we can get. They can sign up for the volunteer schedule here.

Q. What is the minimum age requirement and do you need a parents or guardian’s consent to participate?
A. All runners, including children, require a signed waiver (during the registration process). No runner under the age of 12 may participate unless accompanied by a registered adult.  Children under the age of 5 are free, but should register.

Q: Can I have my favorite pet/dog run with me?
A: Yes, dogs that are NOT reactive to sounds, movement or other dogs/people are welcome to run with you on a non-retractable leash. Please be aware and stay clear of other runners and dogs. 

Q. Can I register at packet pick up? What about on race day? Do you accept credit cards at packet pick up and/or on race day?
A. Yes, until 9:30am on Race Day (June 9, 2024), but we can’t guarantee shirt/goodies bag at pickup. If extra shirts are not available, we can provide them at a later date (participant will be charged $4.99 for shipping).

Q. Can I pick up my friend’s packet?
A. Yes you can. You only need the name they registered under to do so. Please coordinate with them to help prevent confusion at the registration table.

Q. When is packet pick-up?
A. Official packet pickup will occur between 8:15 and 9:30 on Race Day (June 9, 2024).

Q. What if I forget my bib at home?
A. If you lose your bib or you forget it at home there will be a $10 charge to reissue you a new bib.

Q. The shirt in my packet doesn’t fit, can I exchange it for a different size?
A. Yes. We post deadlines for both bib name and shirt size selection and order shirts in advance according to what you selected if you register by those deadlines. We estimate the remainder. If we have any extras at the race you are welcome to exchange, but extras for exchange the day of not guaranteed. If extra shirts are not available, we can provide them at a later date (participant will be charged $4.99 for shipping).

Q. Will there be a place to leave a drop bag for the race?
A. Yes. Our Participant Services Tent will have a bag check.

Q. I registered but now I can’t make it, can I get a refund or defer my registration to next year?
A. There is NO RAINCHECK for this event. Your entry fee for this year’s event CANNOT be transferred to next year’s event, and there are NO REFUNDS, no exceptions. This policy stays in effect whether you are injured, have an unexpected business or family emergency, pregnancy, etc. There are NO exceptions. Seriously. You CAN:

  • donate your entry to charity, you will get a cash donation receipt. Just let us know!
  • transfer your entry to another person for free before the bib name deadline, for $10 while online registration is open and $15 on race day. Please contact us to do so.
  • PLEASE NOTE that there is an immediate disqualification for anyone who runs under another person’s bib other than the person of record.

Q. Okay, but can you mail my race packet to me or can I pickup my packet after the race, even though I’m not going to run?
A. No. 

Q. I left early, but it looks like I won an award. Can you mail it to me?
A. Please contact to coordinate.

Q. Are wheelchairs, baby joggers and strollers allowed?
A. Yes, please be aware and stay clear of other runners. Please register for the 1.2K course which is accessible for Rolling.

Q. Will there be Port-a-potties?
A. Yes, we will have Port-a-potties. Participants requiring a changing table should inquire at Registration or the Big Beautiful Life Marketing Table.

Q. Can I wear my headphones?
A. Our insurance provider has a written guideline against the use of personal music devices in running events, as such we strongly discourage the use of headphones in our races. If you do use headphones, please keep one ear free and listen for instructions from the race monitors.

Q. When will the race results be posted?
A. Results can be seen live at the 802Timing truck and usually the same day on our website, barring unforeseen acts of providence.

Q. What are your contingency plans for bad weather?
A. See below:

  • Weather & Air Quality: Addi taught us to dance in the rain! We will host this event rain or shine, except in the event of very concerning lightning or wind in which case we will notify registrants via email and post to this home page. We will monitor the air quality using this website. We are generally comfortable that the air quality will not affect the Run, Walk & Roll. If you are concerned about your respiratory status please consult a physician and use your best judgement.   
  • Rain: The event will NOT be cancelled due to rain alone unless the downpour is such that athletes and volunteers lose visibility making situations unsafe. If this occurs we will wait until the rain subsides and follow the same procedure listed for lightning conditions (minus the 30 minute rule). Athletes will be informed of such a change via announcements on race morning.
  • Lightning: In the event of lightning the race will be postponed by 30 minutes every time lightning is spotted and thunder is heard close to the event. Please note that every time lightning strikes and thunder is close we will delay the start by 30 minutes.

5K Events

$30 - $35 06/08 10:00AM EDT
Events: First Responder 5K 5K RUN 5K WALK Virtual - First Responder 5K Virtual - 5K

1.2k Events

$30 - $35 06/08 10:00AM EDT
Events: 1.2K RUN 1.2K WALK or ROLL Virtual - 1.2K
Train with RRCA Certified Running Coach Gail Cirlin-Lazerus!

Virtual Training Program - Together, we train. Together, we run, walk & roll.

$5 04/26 10:00AM EDT Sign up for this flexible virtual training now! Start Anytime after 4/26!
Presenting Sponsor

Presenting Sponsor
Featured Partner
Chip Timing Provided By
Media Sponsor
Platinum Level Donors
Gold Level Donors
Silver Level Donors
Bronze Level Donors
First Responder Touch-A-Truck
Community Tents

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