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Big Beautiful Life

Donation Goal: $70,000

Your optional tax-deductible donation will support either (or both):

  • Big Beautiful Life's mission of bringing comfort community and resources to children in chronic medical crisis
  • Our inspiration, Addi 15A1's Fire Family. The Essex Fire Department is a paid on-call department providing fire protection and emergency first response services.

Any amount helps!

  • $150 donations will receive a $15 discount during registrations
  • $500 Donors or fundraisers will receive a registration refund.
  • Corporate In-Kind or Monetary Donations receive these marketing benefits starting at $50 (add to the swag bag). Checks can made payable to either or both organizations and can be mailed to Big Beautiful Life, 22 Essex Way #8054, Essex, Vermont 05451.

Donors will receive a tax receipt via email from RunSignUp.

  • Big Beautiful Life is designated by the IRS as a 501c3 Non-Profit (EIN 92-0866184)
  • Essex Fire Association is designated by the IRS as a NonProfit (EIN 22-2760708) 

Checks payable to Big Beautiful Life AND/OR Essex Fire Association.

Mail Checks to Big Beautiful Life, 22 Essex Way #8054, Essex, VT 05452

Donor Level Benefits: We will be in contact about your donor level benefits! Click here to learn more!


Raised of $70,000


Top Donors

$1,025 Raised By 3 Donors

$220 donation from Elayna Mellas-Hulett
$100 donation from Mathew Champlin
$100 from Anonymous

Select a charity or fundraiser to donate to a cause.


Enter a custom donation amount or select a donation level above.

Donation Attribution

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