Race Series

The Frankenmuth Jaycees proudly present three road races each year. The young person's organization operates each race solely through donations and volunteers.
Volksläufe: Established in 1975, the Volksläufe is run in conjunction with the Fourth of July and consists of three race distances: a 5K, 10K and 20K, that attracts more than 2,500 participants on an annual basis.
Winterläufe: Established in 2009, the Winterläufe is an 8K race that is typically held on the first Saturday in February and attracts more than 700 participants.
Brückeläufe: Established in 2012, the Brückeläufe is the newest addition to the Frankenmuth Jaycees Race Series and consists of a 5K and half marathon distance. It is typically held the first Saturday of October.
The Jaycees is a volunteer leadership organization consisting of civic-minded individuals between the ages of 21-41. All proceeds from the Brückeläufe, as with all Jaycee fundraising events, are donated to local charitable causes.