Water/ Aid Stations
Reference our Course Maps for more details.
Gatorade: Lemon-Lime
Gels: GU (various flavors)
- Water/ Aid Station #1: Serves Half Marathon (Mile 1.5): Long Branch Trail & Research Parkway (Water and Gatorade)
- Water/ Aid Station #2: Serves 5K (Mile 1.5) & Half Marathon (Mile 3 & 11): Academy St. & Strollway (Water and Gatorade, Port-a-John available)
- Water/ Aid Station #3: Serves Half Marathon only (Mile 5 & 10): Winston Salem State University & Strollway (Water, Gatorade and gels)
- Water/ Aid Station #4: Serves Half Marathon only (Mile 7 & 9): Waughtown Greenway near Quarry Rd. (Water, Gatorade and gels), Port-a-John available
- Water/ Aid Station #5: Serves Half Marathon only (Mile 12): 2nd St. & Strollway (Water and Gatorade)