Why Fundraise?
In 2023, over 15,000 children and adolescents in the U.S. were expected to be diagnosed with cancer.
About 1600 of those children will die from their disease. Although survival rates have increased over the past few decades, childhood cancer survivors have a high chance of developing a secondary cancer and/or chronic health problem(s) affecting their quality of life and leading to premature death. Only a small percentage of the national cancer research budget goes to fund childhood cancer projects, thus relying on small nonprofits like Cure4Cam for funding.
Will you partner with the DWest XC team and the Cure4Cam Childhood Cancer Foundation to help make a difference in the life of a child with cancer? (Do not need to be registered to fundraise through this event!)
Set up your (optional) fundraising page to raise $ to support childhood cancer research. (The system requires you to set up a fundraising page during registration, but fundraising itself is not required for registration or participation in the event. PLEASE CONSIDER FUNDRAISING. Every dollar counts and 100% donated will go to fund research.)
Set a goal! (Default is set at $100, but you may change that.)
Share the link with your contacts and friends.