Race Rules and Safety Considerations
Thank you for joining us for the Christmas Mountain Run! Please note the following race rules and event safety considerations. These have been designed for everyone's overall race experience, enjoyment, and safety. Contact Kristy at christmasmountainrun@gmail.com with any questions.
- Foot travel only.
- Assist other runners in need.
- No dogs or other animals allowed on course in the 5 mile run, although leashed dogs are allowed in the 1 mile run.
- Per our insurance, we request that runners do not use earbuds with music during the race.
- Strollers are not allowed at this event in the 5 mile run, but they are allowed in the 1 mile run. This is per our insurance, and due to the fact that the race course runs by the Arkansas River and a lake on pedestrian paths that might contain icy spots on race day.
- No littering or course cutting.
- Pedestrian paths will be open on race day to other users. Roads will be open to traffic throughout the race. Please be aware and respectful of other users, use common sense around vehicle traffic, and obey the directions of course marshals when crossing roads.
- No crewing or pacing of runners on course.
- To reduce waste, and because this race takes place during a colder time of the year, there will be no aid stations on course. Plan to bring some type of hydration system and your own favorite race foods if you would like water or nutrition during the race.