About Colton

The Run is held in memory of Colton Sherrill, son of Trace and Dena Sherrill. The 10-year old athlete and Durant Main Street volunteer passed away 16 years ago while playing basketball from an unknown heart defect.
The proceeds will be used to provide education in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation and use of Automated External Defibrillators (AED’s), to provide emergency equipment, including but not limited to AEDs, for use by schools and communities, to fund higher education scholarships, and community projects.
Colton was a shy boy who had the cutest little “crooked smile”. Many teachers, coaches and parents worked hard to get Colton to interact with them and after much prodding, they were usually rewarded with his trade mark “crooked smile.”
Anyone who knew Colton knew he was an avid Oklahoma Sooner’s fan. He wore Sooner red with pride, complete with official OU football helmet. One time, he and a friend were accused of high-jacking a neighbor’s OSU flag following a Sooner victory over OSU. The flag mysteriously reappeared a few days later.