FAQ Section
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Q: This looks a lot like a bunch of other virtual events - why should run this
A: This is like a lot of the other virtual events out there. One reason you might consider this event is it supports the Florida Trail Association. Another reason is the cool swag we’re working on for you. You’ll be supporting our race suppliers here in the U.S. who usually supply our race swag, but are struggling do to this pandemic. You’ll be supporting this race director who’s races have all be canceled due to the current pandemic ( and I Thank You in advance for the support ) And what about all the neat stuff you’ll learn about the Florida Trail during the Adventure.
Q: I'm already signed up for three or four other virtual events, can I count miles from those events here?
A: Yes, that’s not a issue with this adventure, Support everything you can, and Thank You in Advance for supporting this event and the U.S. suppliers who we’ll be getting swag from.
Q: If I registered before July 1 - can I count those miles towards my finish? What about if I signed up after the July 1 start?
A: Your mileage starts on July 1st or the day you signup if it’s after July 1st!
Q: I'm not sure I want to run - can I wait and enter at the last minute?
A: Registration is open till September 30th, 2020. However the longer you wait to get started, the higher your daily milage will be to finish by June 30th, 2021.
Q: How long is the trail, I see different numbers in different websites?
A: The trail is broken up into several parts, so when you see a number around 1108.2 that is the thru hike milage, The 1400 to 1400 miles you see posted is the entire trail, including both the east and west trails around Lake Okeechobee and sometimes the Lake to Ocean hiking spur. We are going to be using 1,108.2 as out total distance. Feel free to do more mileage if you want.
Q: Do I have to provide evidence of my miles? What evidence is acceptable?
A: You're on the honor system here, this isn't a competitive event and there are no awards - it's a journey to help motivate you to push you. If you did cheat you’re just cheating you, so why cheat when it doesn't mean anything?
Q: How do I see my progress? How will I know when I'm done?
A: Each time you report your miles, your total mileage will be updated, and the Results page ( coming soon ) will display your run totals, and your progress.
Q: Is this a race? Will there be a prize for the winner?
A: No, this is NOT a race – Just a reason to get out and keep moving.. NO sorry, there will NOT be a prize for the first person to reach the end of the trail!
Q: What counts as mileage? Can I walk? Can I use a treadmill? An Elliptical Trainer or other training device? Can I count the steps I take during the day?
A: Yes, Yes, Yes and Yes but NO to all the steps you take each day! The intent is to get extra miles above what you have to do to get around each day, to get you outside and moving!
Q: Do I have to run/walk miles every day?
A: Nope, you can run as much or as little as you want. For the 1,108.2 mile adventure you need to average 3.04 miles a day or 21.31+ miles a week. How you break it up and get your miles is up to you
Q: I see there is a charity involved - how much money will the charities get?
A: Yes, A portion of your registration ( $10.00) will be donated one or two organizations that support the Florida Trail, Details coming as soon as we finalize negotiations!
Q: Is it required to make a donation to the charity.
A: NO a donation above what is included in registration fee is Not required, But if you’re inclined to add in some extra money for the Florida Trail Association, I say Thank You in Advance for your support!
Q: Where does the registration fee cover?
A: The remaining money will pay for the swag - the shirt and medal and some additional cool stuff, you'll receive, plus shipping and handling to mail it to you. Your race entry will provide much-needed business to the businesses that support the racing industry, that have been idle for the past few weeks due to the pandemic. We buy local whenever possible and buy made in the USA if possible
Q: How do I log my miles? Is this going to be a pain for me to report in?
A: This should be a piece of cake! On the morning of July 1, you'll get an email from RunSignUp with a link to the reporting page, and instructions on how to post your miles. Each time you want to update your mileage, simply log into your RunSignUp account, choose this event, and add in your miles, to the tenth of the mile.
Q: Do I have to log in and enter my miles each day?
A: No! You can log in and add in your miles whenever it's most convenient for you. It's more fun to post your miles frequently so you can better see your progress, but if it's easier for you to post once or twice a week, that's fine.
Q: What if I do more than 1 run a day how do I enter both!
A: One of 2 ways. 1st is you can enter them separably, just create another activity for the 2nd run/walk and add it as a 2nd entry or you can add them both together and add them as 1 entry
Q: Who is Doc Croc?
A: Doc Croc whose real name is Alli Gator and his band of misfits will be following everyone as we head north on the trail hoping some of you will fall off the pace and provide a meal for the gang! You’ll want to do your best to log enough miles to stay in front of the The Gator Gang! ( Remember this is supposed to be fun! ) They can do 3 miles a day, and will start on July 2nd to give everyone a head start!
Q: Do I have to finish to get the medal? Will the medal be cool or will it be a cheap piece of junk?
A: Yes, you must finish to get the medal! We're currently working on the finisher's medal - it will be something to be proud of! Since this is a Trail Adventure, we might explore the new wood medals that have become available, and leave the medal ones to the road races.
We're working with Brie at Wicked Skins Awards out of Miami, Florida to create a Unique medal for finishing this event. It's a long way and we want you to have something memorable for your accomplishment!
You can see her work here... www.wickedskinsawards.com 
Q: What does the shirt look like? When do I get my shirt?
A: The shirt and the other swag will be mailed out sometime in August and a 2nd mailing the end of September early October. be sure to give us an address in registration that accepts US Postal mail. We’ll let you know when we mail you stuff, so you can be on the lookout for the goods! We're currently working on the shirt design and will publish it on this site once it's finalized.
Test Sample #1