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The Great Florida National Scenic Trail Challenge

Wed July 1 - Wed June 30 Anywhere, FL 33431 US Directions


Anywhere you like, This adventure can be completed anywhere you are, log some miles around the neighborhood, in a park, or out on a trail, or on the treadmill in case of bad weather.
123 Main Street
Anywhere, FL US 33431


The Florida Trail is one of eleven National Scenic Trails in the United States. It currently runs 1,000+ miles. Also known as the Florida National Scenic Trail (which applies only to its federally certified segments), the Florida Trail provides permanent non-motorized recreation opportunity for hiking and other compatible activities and is within an hour of most Floridians. The Florida National Scenic Trail is designated as a National Scenic Trail by the National Trails System Act of 1968 (Public Law 90-543).

The Adventure starts in the south terminus of the trail in the Big Cypress National Preserve and heads North to Pensacola ( This way you can wave to everyone going south). I'll be doing a weekly newsletter about the trail starting from the south working north, so you'll get to learn a lot about the trail by the time the event is finished.

Run, Walk or Hike the 1,1008.2 miles of the Florida Trail ( Total designated “true” trail length*.)  Starting on July 1st, 2020 you'll have till June 30th 2021 to finish ( 364 Days ), That's a little over 3.04 miles a day or 21.31 miles a week but you can log as many miles as you like weekly. You can finish at any time, but the event ends on June 30th, 2021 at 11:59 PM. All miles must be logged before the deadline, you can log miles daily to see how you're doing or weekly.   This adventure can be completed anywhere you are, log some miles around the neighborhood, in a park, or out on a trail, or on the treadmill in case of bad weather. ( Note running laps around your living room, to get miles, is not recommended! )  depending on how the current pandemic progresses, there may even be some real  opportunities to get out on the trail, for now, we'll have to wait and see!

Doc Croc and the gang are going to be joining us on this adventure, read about Doc in the FAQ section!

The Total Florida Trail length** (including the Eastern & Western Corridors and road connector/trail gaps) is 1,449 miles. 

You can start anytime between now and September 30th, 2020. The longer you wait to get started the more miles you'll need to do each day to finish the adventure!

A portion of the race proceeds will be donated to one or two organizations that support the Florida Trail, detail coming soon as we finalize negations. ( $10 per participant + the any donations raised )

The Florida Trail Association builds, maintains, protects, and promotes the unique Florida National Scenic Trail (Florida Trail), along with a network of hiking trails throughout the state of Florida. Together with our partners, the Association provides opportunities for the public to contribute to meaningful volunteer work, engage in outdoor recreation, and participate in environmental education.

Race Swag includes: Long Sleeve Tee Shirt, Race Finishers Medal ( design in progress by Brie at WICKED SKINS AWARDS ) and more... Still hunting for cool swag to add to the stash!  We also need a good mailing address to be able to mail ( USPS ) your swag to.

Be sure to see the FAQ Tab in the drop down under "Adventure Info" at the top, for answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions!



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