Runners Instructions
2024 Runners Instructions are available! Please read through completely to get all your questions answered. PDF is at the bottom of the page.
Did you know that you can enter the Run for Women with a team? And that there are awards?
- Sister/Sister
- Mother/Daughter
- Grandmother/Mother/Daughter
- Great Grandmother/Grandmother/Mother/Daughter
- Corporate
- High School (this does not have to be a high school sports team - it can be a group of friends from the same high school)
- Family & Friends
- Non Binary
- USATF (prize money too)
You can still add to a team today and update your team. Please check your team as we have many that do not have the required minimum number of people entered. For example a sister/sister team must have 2 athletes.
We always need volunteers. There will be a volunteer dinner with some amazing prizes on Wednesday night, May 29 at 6:30pm at the Armory at Russell Sage College - 130 New Scotland Avenue. Sign up at
Thursday 4-8pm
Friday 12-7pm
The Armory at Russell Sage College, 130 New Scotland Avenue, Albany
Saturday 6:30-8:00am
Packet Pickup tent in front of the Capitol steps
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.