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Crank Around the Clock

Sat September 28, 2024 Littleton, CO 80125 US Directions

Crank Around the Clock

Adaptive Adventures’ vision is to ensure that all individuals with physical disabilities have access to participation in outdoor sports regardless of their location, equipment needs or economic status. Our unique organization travels the country and establishes direct program services, training, equipment, resources, funding, administrative support, and sustainable programs in unserved and underserved communities. Our programs provide individuals with progressive skills that lead to greater independence in outdoor sports, camaraderie, improved health, among other benefits of recreation in the outdoors.

We believe that outdoor recreation offers valuable physical, mental, emotional and social benefits, which help individuals improve their quality of life and overall health and wellness. Outdoor recreation provides unparalleled camaraderie and cultivates inclusive communities where individuals can thrive. For individuals with physical disabilities, participating in outdoor sports provides an opportunity to have fun with family, to lessen negative coping behaviors, to increase overall wellness, to interact with others in similar life circumstances, and to experience an aspect of freedom through mobility.

Adaptive Adventures contributes to equitable change by bridging relationships in the community, identifying and training mentors, and providing spark events to propel new initiatives forward. We partner with and provide training to rehab hospitals, park and rec districts, VA Medical Centers, outfitters, gyms, bike shops, veteran service organizations and other adaptive sports agencies, and leave a wake of knowledge and tangible support to ensure a more inclusive and accessible community for differently abled people. We work with mainstream equipment manufacturers, outdoor retailers, adaptive sport equipment leaders and collegiate engineering programs, to ensure equipment modifications, marketing, and design provide greater access for all.

Top Donors

$13,875 Raised By 176 Donors

$500 from Anonymous
$500 On Behalf Of Bob Johns
$550 on behalf of Integrity Mountain Valve and Equipment, LLC
$400 on behalf of Ellyn Henders and Scott Evans
$200 on behalf of Dan & Jess
$200 on behalf of Maren Stewart
$150 on behalf of Dan and Lesli Creedon
$150 on behalf of Jorge Pina
$150 on behalf of Tina Tamondong
$103 from Facebook Donation
$103 from Facebook Donation
$103 from Facebook Donation
$100 from Facebook Donation
$100 from Facebook Donation
$100 from Facebook Donation
$100 from Facebook Donation
$100 on behalf of Abuelita
$100 on behalf of Alexis Braun
$100 on behalf of Alvaro Falla
$150 on behalf of Amy Malmgren
$100 on behalf of andrew Merinoff
$100 on behalf of Bill Drummond
$100 on behalf of Bill Drummond
$100 on behalf of Bill Drummond
$100 on behalf of Bill!!!
$200 on behalf of Chris Fowler
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Emi the walker
$100 on behalf of eustaquio cortina
$100 on behalf of FamCR
$100 on behalf of Gillian Ray
$200 on behalf of Jason Halko
$150 on behalf of Kerry OConnell
$100 on behalf of Laura Garcia Coudurier
$100 on behalf of Lisa Davis
$100 on behalf of Liz and Joe Vadeboncoeur
$100 on behalf of Lorena Torres
$100 on behalf of Lucas Johnston
$100 on behalf of Maria Garcia Berry
$100 on behalf of Michel Heredia
$100 on behalf of Natalia Morimitsu
$100 on behalf of Robert Clark
$100 on behalf of Rosie Valadez McStay
$100 on behalf of The Dalles
$100 on behalf of Thomas Sauder
$100 on behalf of Vivian Baron
$75 on behalf of Chanel Copley
$75 on behalf of Clem Foltz
$75 on behalf of Eduardo Clave
$75 on behalf of Eli & Dylan Jones
$75 on behalf of Fred Schuth
$75 on behalf of Hanna Vadeboncoeur
$75 on behalf of Jennifer Saavedra
$75 on behalf of Lucas Downey
$75 on behalf of Mayela Ovejas
$65 from Facebook Donation
$52 from Facebook Donation
$52 from Facebook Donation
$52 from Facebook Donation
$52 from Facebook Donation
$52 from Facebook Donation
$52 from Facebook Donation
$50 from Facebook Donation
$50 from Facebook Donation
$50 from Facebook Donation
$50 from Facebook Donation
$50 from Facebook Donation
$50 on behalf of Alexis Riedel
$50 on behalf of Alexis Brachet
$50 on behalf of Amy Lee
$50 on behalf of Ana De Haro
$50 on behalf of Andrea Green
$50 on behalf of Andres Sevilla moran
$50 on behalf of Beth and Chuck Sauder
$50 on behalf of Bill Drummond
$50 on behalf of Brooke Mayberry
$50 on behalf of Claude Wolos
$50 on behalf of Corey Vande Voort
$150 from Anonymous
$150 on behalf of David Moon
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Ellen Dektar
$50 on behalf of Emilio Braun
$50 on behalf of F Jaime Okhuysen
$50 on behalf of FRANCISCO FERNANDEZ
$50 on behalf of Heather Alger
$50 on behalf of Jeanine Starr
$50 on behalf of Jennifer Stichman
$50 on behalf of Jeronimo Quintana
$50 on behalf of Jeronimo Sordo
$100 on behalf of Jim Brown
$50 on behalf of Joel Hirsh
$100 on behalf of John Hayden
$50 on behalf of John Thiede
$100 on behalf of John-Erik Emmetsberger
$50 on behalf of Jorge Sevilla
$50 on behalf of Jose Ortega
$50 on behalf of Kris Rien
$50 on behalf of Krystal Eldredge
$150 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Manuel Ballesteros
$100 on behalf of Marc Hoffmeister
$50 on behalf of Margie Bowman
$50 on behalf of Maria Lagos
$50 on behalf of Maria R
$100 on behalf of Mark Erickson
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Melissa Myers
$100 on behalf of Michael Turek
$50 on behalf of Nina Fdz
$50 on behalf of Pablo Garcia
$50 on behalf of Pato y Ceci
$50 on behalf of Patricio Braun
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Paul Cook
$230 on behalf of RODRIGO BRAUN
$50 on behalf of Rodrigo Quintana
$50 on behalf of Ronald Hayden
$50 on behalf of Ryan Hayden
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Sharon Ladin
$50 on behalf of Sharon Ladin
$50 on behalf of Sharon Ladin
$50 on behalf of Sharon Ladin
$50 on behalf of Steve Young
$50 on behalf of Suzanne Perry van Rijssen
$50 on behalf of The Northern Drummonds
$50 on behalf of Victoria Pastore
$100 on behalf of Will Scheel
$35 from Facebook Donation
$30 on behalf of ALICIA MILLER
$26 from Facebook Donation
$26 from Facebook Donation
$26 from Facebook Donation
$25 from Facebook Donation
$75 on behalf of Adam Vasilakis
$25 on behalf of Camie Berardi
$25 on behalf of Carla Aparicio
$25 on behalf of Cecilia Grisolia
$75 on behalf of Daniel Sarché
$75 on behalf of David Baraloto
$25 on behalf of Deana Juskys
$25 on behalf of Denise Lanning
$25 on behalf of Devin Harkins
$25 on behalf of Diane Lucero
$25 on behalf of Ifrad Islam
$75 on behalf of Janadel Harris
$75 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Jodee Hambright
$75 on behalf of Joseph Acosta
$25 on behalf of M J
$25 on behalf of Mallory Harkins
$25 on behalf of Marguerite
$75 on behalf of Matt Vander Wall
$25 on behalf of Mauricio Hernandez Oseguera
$25 on behalf of Monica Showrank
$25 on behalf of Ramoncito .
$25 on behalf of robert kauffman
$75 on behalf of Ryan Hayden
$25 on behalf of Ryan Hayden
$25 on behalf of Sandra Garza
$25 on behalf of Sara Kohles
$25 on behalf of Stephen Werfelmann
$25 on behalf of Sylvia Smyth
$25 on behalf of Xavier Zamudio jauma
$20 on behalf of Amy J Lee
$20 on behalf of TKC
$11 from Facebook Donation
$60 on behalf of Alex Dionne
$60 on behalf of Annie Bachman
$60 on behalf of Kathleen Traylor
$60 on behalf of Nicholas van Dyke
$60 on behalf of Timothy Lyons
$10 on behalf of Zach Davis
$5 from Facebook Donation
$55 from Anonymous

Select a fundraiser to donate to a cause.

Bill Drummond - Miles for Monopods
$2,605 of $2,500 Reached
$2,395 of $250 Reached
Ryan Hayden
$800 of $750 Reached
Chelsea Elder
$759 of $2,000 Reached
Thomas Sauder
$610 of $1,000 Reached
Jarrod Yenne
$550 of $250 Reached
Marc van Rijssen
$350 of $250 Reached
Itziar Quinzanos
$345 of $250 Reached
Marc Hoffmeister
$327 of $250 Reached
Rodrigo Cortina
$270 of $250 Reached
Chris Fowler
$250 of $250 Reached
Charis Glatthar
$230 of $250 Reached


Enter a custom donation amount or select a donation level above.

Donation Attribution

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