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AdventHealth Clermont Clay 15K & 5K presented by LiveTrends Design Group

Donation Goal: $4,000

Thank you for your donation.  
Donations from this  October Clay event will be going towards a fundraiser started by the local triathlon team, SLAP. Swim Like A Pro is raising $4,000 to install a very needed water fountain at Lake Louisa State Park. The fountain will be place by the bathrooms located at the Lake Louisa beach area. Lake Louisa State Park has become a locals' favorite training ground for cycling, road and trail running. Having a water fountain there would make hydrating while exercising more accessible.  Thank you SLAP!


Raised of $4,000


Top Donors

$40 Raised By 5 Donors

$15 on behalf of Robert Crago
$10 on behalf of Thomas (Tom) Nichols
$5 on behalf of Jackie Schmoll
$5 on behalf of Joe Monks
$5 from Anonymous

Donation Attribution

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