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Girls of Virtue 5k

Sat May 3, 2025 Jacksonville, FL 32202 US Directions

Girls of Virtue 5k

Donation Goal: $10,000

Our Mission:
Empower and Equip the next generation to be spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially grounded.

Who We Are:
Girls of Virtue has created a community for young women to have a safe environment that will teach them the proper skills they need to face today’s complex generation. To instill life skills through mentorship, workshops, and education.

Our WHY:
Today, our young women meet difficulty transitioning into adulthood. Traditional schools don’t provide classes on financial literacy, credit, business and professional skills, or any resources that prepare us to succeed. Situations like homelessness, bouncing throughout the foster care system, poverty, trauma, and difficult home circumstances escalate the complexity. To say the least, our youth are facing many challenges as they navigate their teens and young adult life. 

Girls of Virtue has created a community for young women to have a safe environment that will teach them the proper skills they need to face today’s complex generation. To instill life skills through mentorship, workshops, and education. To empower and equip them to be grounded spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially. From 14 years old, when they begin navigating their emotions, to 18, when they transition into independent living, and into their early 20s, we will fill the gap for our young women.

What we do!
Our program has three levels: ENGAGE, EQUIP, and EMPOWER. 

Through our ENGAGE program, we provide bi-monthly workshops at three local dropout prevention high schools and weekly workshops at middle/high school. 

EQUIP comprises additional workshops we offer after school, on weekends, online, and through local partners to continue walking alongside these young women as they chase their dreams. 

EMPOWER—This is our Executive Life Skills Pilot, launched in 2024 with a three-year plan. We selected five ladies who displayed what we call GRIT and had been working with me for a couple of years. Each young woman was given a mentor and access to obtaining a vocational trade in the first year. In year two, they will be provided one-on-one coaching in mental health and proactive emotions and healing, financial planning, budgeting and investing, nutrition and health coaching, and their spiritual walks to ensure their identities are rooted in who God says they are. Then, in year three, they will begin to mentor the next young women in the program, help within our high school outreach, and receive mentoring and education in leadership, personal and professional development, and leaning into the callings on their lives. 

We believe that together, we can UNITE our city and empower and equip the next generation. Please join us as we run into the next year and fight for the youth in our city. 
All proceeds benefit and go directly to our three programs: Equip, Empower, and Engage. 


Raised of $10,000


Top Donors

$270 Raised By 4 Donors

$100 on behalf of Recovery RX Corp
$100 on behalf of The Amazing Della
$50 on behalf of Kaley Carroll
$20 from Anonymous

Donation Attribution

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