Putting on such a fun and memorable event takes a little cash. We have to pay a city fee, buy race medals and shirts, along with other things like banners to get the word out. We rely on donations to cover those costs and ensure 100% of registrants’ race fees are donated by SHC5K to our schools.
Thank you for your consideration and support!
We'll gladly accept any donation, but here are our "Suggested Levels of Sponsorship & Promotion Commitments."
Level 1: $50-100 – Your name will appear on race publicity materials, including our website, Facebook and T-shirt.
Level 2: $101-$250 – Level 1 + your provided material placed in the run packet.
Level 3: $251-$499 – Levels 1-2 + your name/logo (small) on the back of the run T-shirt, a link to your Website on our run Website, and a link to your business in a post on our Facebook page.
Level 4: $500-$999 – Levels 1-3 + your name/logo (medium) on the back of the run T-shirt and the opportunity to place an exhibition table/display at the event.
Level 5: $1,000 and above – Levels 1-4 + your name/logo (large) on the back of the shirt, and you will be named as a presenting sponsor in our race materials and communications.
* If you would like to sponsor a certain aspect of the race, here are some opportunities: Shirts: $5,000; Timing: $1,500; Awards: $250; Safety: $1,000.