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Run for the House

Fri April 11 - Sun April 13, 2025 East Lansing, MI 48823 US Directions

Run for the House

Donation Goal: $20,000

There are two ways to donate to help the Ronald McDonald House of Mid-Michigan! To make an individual donation, scroll to the bottom of the page. 

Donate and SAVE on your entry fee! 
$100 donation receives a $40 discount on your entry fee!
$75 donation = $15 discount
$50 donation = $10 discount
$25 donation = $5 discount

The second way to donate to the House is to start your own race team to raise funds. Recruit your friends, family, co-workers, or even strangers to join your team and join the challenge to raise the most money!

All donations go directly to the Ronald McDonald House of Mid-Michigan; helping families stay in close proximity to their child's medical treatment facility. The House provides private guest rooms and private full bathrooms, home cooked meals, fully stocked kitchen and pantry, free on-site laundry, common areas for gathering with friends and family all within just a few steps from their child's hospital bedside. You donations go directly to supporting the families that stay at the House in their time of need.

Want to learn more? Visit our website:



Raised of $20,000


Top Donors

$1,365 Raised By 28 Donors

Team Fundraisers

A'me in Action

Select a fundraiser to donate to a cause.


Enter a custom donation amount or select a donation level above.

Donation Attribution

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