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Out With the Old - In With the New

Wed December 31 - Thu January 1, 2026 Directions
Neighborhood House

Goal: $2,500

Neighborhood House walks the path toward self-sustainability with our neighbors during times of hardship.

Neighborhood House envisions a community of neighbors helping neighbors thrive.

Our Impact
Neighborhood House serves over 3,000 households per year. In the communities we serve, 25% of families are living paycheck to paycheck or worse. We are the only full service human services agency in our area and rely on our neighbors, both individuals and organizations, to help make these numbers possible. We are a commYOUnity of neighbors helping neighbors thrive.
Who do we serve?
One of our biggest challenges is the perception that there is no one in need here in Oakland County. The stark contrasts of wealth render invisible those who are struggling to make ends meet. Due to the low unemployment rate in our area, many people believe our neighbors are all successfully self-sustainable. The neighbors we serve are what the United Way calls “ALICE”. This stands for Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed. Our clients are often housed and employed, yet living on the cusp of self-sustainability. The death of a family member, a divorce or medical emergency, or a car breakdown can have a devastating effect on these families. Neighborhood House is a beacon of hope for those who are in financial crisis. The ALICE report by Rutgers and United Way shows that in the Neighborhood House service area, the five areas we serve range from 13 to 48% under the ALICE guidelines, meaning the family is living paycheck to paycheck, without assets, and is susceptible to these types of catastrophes.


Raised of $2,500


Donation Attribution

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