Yes, we want to support the mission to promote and sponsor healthy living and STEM leadership
through our support to the Jared Anez Memorial Scholarship.
Sponsorship Level
o $1,000 Gold
o $500 Silver
o $100 Bronze
Offline Donation Payment Options:
o Email with the sponsorship level of your choice and an invoice will be sent to you
o Mail a check to: Jared Anez Memorial Scholarship, 1800 Technology Drive NE Suite 130, Willmar, MN 56201
o Email with the sponsorship level of your choice and ask to be invoiced via PayPal
Contact Name: Company: Billing Address:
City, State & Zip: Email:
Phone: Fax:
Please return to Jared Anez Memorial Run, 1700 Technology Drive NE, Suite 130, Willmar, MN 56201