Contribute or Create an #NFStrong Fundraising Page
YOU can make a difference in the lives of those affected by neurofibromatosis (NF) by joining with us in our mission to find treatments, a cure, and provide support for the 128,000 Americans living with NF. Show your support for the NF community by:
- contributing to the walk, a team, or an individual's fundraiser
- adding a donation to your registration
- creating a RunSignUp fundraising page
Like a GoFundMe page, RunSignUp fundraising pages can be used to share your NF story of the person you are participating on behalf of, i.e. yourself, child, or friend and spread awareness about neurofibromatosis. You can inspire your peers, coworkers, and family to join your fight by sharing your page on social media, via email, or by word of mouth. By simply talking about your race and your cause, you are making a difference in the lives of those affected by NF.
If you are interested in fundraising $100 for FREE registration, please select the box "Become a Fundraiser." Then, check the box "I agree to meet the Fundraiser minimum. Registration fee will be waived" to the right of the box "Your Fundraiser Goal."
If you have questions, please contact Debbie at
Thank you for joining us in the journey to end NF!