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Let Me Run Back to School 5K Fundraiser

Let Me Run is the only national organization using running as a vehicle to teach boys directly about healthy masculinity and measuring the impact. LMR was founded to be a low-cost, accessible program that any boy could benefit from. Let Me Run provides a unique and safe environment for boys to learn how to positively manage their emotions, while also providing them a healthy outlet for physical activity and social engagement.  Your donation to Let Me Run today helps to ensure that all boys are able to participate in Let Me Run. Thank you!

If you would like to make a donation by mailing in a check, please make checks payable to Let Me Run. Checks should be mailed to: 

Let Me Run
Attn: Back to School 5K 
1515 Mockingbird Lane, Ste. 7149 
Charlotte, NC 28209

Top Donors

$2,392 Raised By 45 Donors

$200 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Donn Gabrielson
$100 on behalf of Donn Gabrielson
$100 on behalf of Hugh Gaither
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of junius gaither
$100 on behalf of Lance Fuisting
$100 on behalf of Meg Santanna
$100 on behalf of Perez Family
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Shaun Tyrance
$75 on behalf of the memory of Dr. Graciano P. Sison, Jr.
$60 on behalf of Don Rice
$60 on behalf of Kate Brennan
$50 on behalf of Catherine Carter
$50 on behalf of Claire Houpt
$50 on behalf of Daniel Gardner
$50 on behalf of Josh Gelinas
$50 on behalf of Liz Carter
$50 on behalf of Turner Family
$40 on behalf of Andrew Rostan
$40 on behalf of Charlie Brinley
$40 from Anonymous
$40 on behalf of Jennifer Shevitz
$40 on behalf of Larry Hartford
$40 on behalf of Liam Newman
$40 on behalf of Maddie Mehaffey
$40 on behalf of Nana & Grandpa Dave
$40 on behalf of Shelley Reynolds
$30 from Anonymous
$30 on behalf of Michelle Hymas
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Gabriel Sison
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Julia Indivero
$15 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Mary Dare Mayeux
$10 on behalf of Michael Jones
$10 on behalf of Mimi Brophy
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Sally Burns
$7 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Elizabeth Reynolds

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