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Catamount Climb Half Marathon & 5K

Donation Goal: $1,000

Thank you for helping WCU students! All proceeds go back to WCU students and help fund their professional development and academic scholarships.

During the school year WCU Students used almost $5,000 in race proceeds for professional development opportunities such as attending professional conferences and obtaining professional certifications. These opportunities allow our students to learn more about their career field, gain career required certifications, increase their knowledge, and of course help them prepare for their life after college. The proceeds also help fund academic scholarships for graduate students in the Athletic Training program at WCU. This additional scholarships is often the tipping point in students deciding to attend WCU over other universities.

Top Donors

$319 Raised By 30 Donors

$50 on behalf of Gary Curnutt
$50 on behalf of Lou Saypharath
$25 from Anonymous
$25 from Anonymous
$25 from Anonymous
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Tom Banks
$10 on behalf of Lucas Atencio
$10 on behalf of Noah Olson
$5 on behalf of Alexey Wade
$5 on behalf of Anna Dai
$5 on behalf of Christopher Reed
$5 on behalf of Delaney Garrett
$5 on behalf of Elizabeth Rigsbee
$5 on behalf of Gaby Lara
$5 on behalf of Heather Sexton
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Peyton Wingate
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Sara Duncan
$5 on behalf of Silvia PELLETIER
$5 from Anonymous
$4 on behalf of Alex Cuevas
$3 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Justin Voorhees
$2 on behalf of Nick Crews
$1 from Anonymous
$1 from Anonymous
$1 on behalf of Sydney Hall

Donation Attribution

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