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Donation Goal: $2,000

The Find Your Path ~ Virtual Walk/Run/Bike race registrations and donations go directly to fund Promising Pathways scholarships for students facing financial and personal challenges. These scholarships support low-income students who are hard of hearing, low-income single parents pursuing higher education, and students attending the Uganda Nursing School Bwindi. This year we will also be expanding our impact by introducing low-cost career coaching services to individuals who have disabilities and who are single parents (all proceeds support Promising Pathways), and funding for other impactful educational and career programs around the world. 

By donating, you are investing in students and their families’ futures, helping them stay in school, and paving the way for financially stability, career success, and long-term economic security. Research shows that higher education is one of the most effective pathways out of poverty, and leads to:

✓ Increased lifetime earnings
✓ Improved health and well-being
✓ Better opportunities for dependent children

➡️ Furthermore, education also has a positive impact on society at large by not only reducing poverty rates but also the need for public benefits and increases tax contributions and civic engagement. Your support creates real change—breaking cycles of poverty and opening doors to sustainable, meaningful careers.

If you would like to donate directly to Promising Pathways, you can either do so here (which goes through RunSignUp) or on our PROMISING PATHWAYS Fund page through Note that if you choose the latter route, please email us at to let us know. This way we have your email and can enter you in the raffle for the five exciting prizes (see the Raffle/Prizes page for more info).

All donations are tax-deductible through the Bold Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit (Federal Tax ID #84-2719715), address 3700 Tennyson St, Denver, CO 80212.

We greatly appreciate your donations and support! Together we can make a meaningful difference! 


If you would prefer to donate offline, please contact us at

Thank you for your support!


Raised of $2,000


Enter a custom donation amount or select a donation level above.

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