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IGNITE SwimRun Pennsylvania - Presented by Lionheart Adventures

Sat June 23, 2018 Penn Run, PA 15765 US Directions

Swim Run

IGNITE SwimRun Pennsylvania - Short Course Team Registration

10:00AM EDT - 2:00PM EDT
Open to ages 18 - 100.

IGNITE SwimRun Pennsylvania - Long Course Team Registration

10:00AM EDT - 2:00PM EDT
Open to ages 18 - 100.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Yellow Creek State Park
Penn Run, PA US 15765


Located on the Allegheny plateau of the Laurel Highlands, this race is staged at Yellow Creek State Park in Indiana County. Enjoy the man-made lake and rolling terrain of the park trail system. Choose either the long or short course distance. Both race distances are appropriate for all experience levels including first-timers. 

Yellow Creek State Park, 170 PA-259, Penn Run, PA 15765

Long Course Race
Swim - 2 miles
Run - 12 miles
Total distance: 14 miles

Short Course Race
Swim - 1 mile
Run - 6.5 miles
Total distance: 7.5 miles
​All general rules apply to this race. 

REGISTER - Please note that all registrations fees are per two person team. No solo entries for this event.
Long Course Race
• March 26-31, 2018 | $400.00 per team ($200 per person)
• April 1-April 30, 2018 | $425 per team ($212.50 per person)
• May 1-May 31, 2018 | $450 per team ($225 per person)
• June 1-20, 2018 | $475 per team ($237.50 per person)

Short Course Race
• March 26-31, 2018 | $200.00 ($100.00 per person)
• April 1-April 30, 2018 | $212 ($106.00 per person)
• May 1-May 31, 2018 | $225 ($112.50 per person)
• June 1-20, 2018 | $237.5 per team ($118.75 per person)

Important: There is no race day registration. 

Each participant must be a registered member of USA Triathlon or purchase a one day membership for the day of the race.  USA Triathlon memberships will be verified in the race registration process.  One day memberships will be an additional $15 per participant and will be vended during the registration process. 

To register for this race, click HERE. 

Team registration includes: 
• Pre-race dinner and race brief on Friday evening
• Food and aid stations along the course
• Participant shirt
• Timing and results
• Post-race recovery food at race finish line 
• Participant number race jersey
• Participant swim cap
• Prizes for the top 3 finishers in each class

RACE TIMELINE (subject to change) 

Saturday, June 23 
7:00 AM - Team Check-In Opens
8:30 AM - Mandatory Pre-Race Course Talk
9:00 AM – Race Start
3:00 PM - Award Ceremony

Team Check-In
​All registered teams, MUST check in on the morning of the race. Per USAT rules, each participant MUST pick up his/her own packet. If you do not check in during the designated check-in times in person, you will not be able to participate in the event.

All participants must bring the following to packet pickup:
• Photo ID
• USAT membership card to show proof of annual membership unless you purchased a one-day USAT event insurance at the time you registered for the event.

Mandatory Pre-Race Course Talk 
Saturday, June 23 at 8:30 AM - The mandatory pre-race course talk will cover important information about the race and include a question and answer segment. ​​All teams are required to attend this meeting.

To view a list frequently asked questions, click HERE.
The award ceremony will be located near the finish area. Awards will be given to participants who earn 1st through 3rd place in the following divisions: All Male Team, All Female Team, Mixed Gender Team.

Team winners of each individual race receive free entry into the 2018 IGNITE SwimRun Virginia, the Series National Championship. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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