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Support St. Margaret Patients in Crisis!

Donation Goal: $50,000

Why is your help important? When you sign up for the Brian Demchak Hope Challenge, the money you raise supports our initiative of wellness in the community and it helps those who are less fortunate by providing valuable services and resources to help them maintain their health.
Being sick is difficult enough without having to worry if you have a ride to chemotherapy or treatment, or if you can pay for expensive medicine, home oxygen, walkers, insulin, and other items you need that aren’t covered by insurance. Gifts to St. Margaret Foundation fill in those heartbreaking gaps with hope and healing for patients of St. Margaret.​
Help patients in our community by:
  • Stocking St. Margaret's Food Pantry
  • Stocking St. Margaret's Clothing Closet
  • Providing transportation vouchers for free transportation to Chemotherapy, Radiation and other treatments
  • Providing pharmacy vouchers for free medication
  • Providing necessary medical equipment, such as walkers, hearing aids, prosthetic devices, special shoes, humidifiers​

If you prefer to give via check, please feel free to drop it off or mail it to the below address. Please note if the gift should be credited to someone's fundraising page! 

St. Margaret Foundation
815 Freeport Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15215


Raised of $50,000


Top Donors

$300 Raised By 3 Donors

$200 in memory of Dr. and Mrs. Norbert Gannon
$50 from Anonymous
$50 in memory of Mike Prozialeck

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