We are excited to announce that the 24th Annual Sister to Sister Fitness Festival will take place at the Alan E. Sims Cedar Hill Recreation Center. You can also participate in this year's event in person or virtually. This will allow some participants to run or walk anywhere. This race is hosted by the Celebrating Life Foundation a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. This organization’s mission is to make breast cancer powerless by educating, encouraging, and empowering those most impacted by the disease.
Our theme this year is Riding the Blue Wave. Studies have shown that walking can help you maintain a healthy body weight. For women, walking lowers hormone levels that increase the risk for breast and endometrial cancers.
You can join the Facebook 24th Sister to Sister Fitness Festival Page or our Pink Shoestrings Facebook Page.
When: Saturday, October 4, 2025, at 8:00 AM
Alan E. Sims Cedar Hill Recreation Center, 310 East Parkerville, Cedar Hill, Texas 75104
Virtually on your favorite 5 K course
Race Day - T-Shirts for all participants
In order to receive a T-shirt in time for the event, you must register by September 19, 2025.
Please take photos on the event day and post to your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages with the hashtag #Sistertosisterfit2025 or RidingtheBlueWave2025.
We are encouraging you to participate in person or virtually in this year's event on October 4, 2025. If you are walking virtually, you will have from 8:00 AM until 11:59 PM to complete your 5 K walk/or run.
As mentioned previously, this can be done in person at the Alan E Sims Cedar Hill Recreation Center or anywhere that you would like during the required time frame.