We are are 501c3 not-for-profit charitable organization.
This is a fundraiser to help local youth with swim lessons and swim team. Event fees help offset our programming expenses so we can offer free/reduced programming to all children on free/reduced school lunch programs.
Drowning is a leading cause of death in young children so we want ALL kids to be able to swim, no matter what their financial background.
The loss of our Earlybird Triathlon created a $10,000 loss to our financial budget. We are a small club, so that is a big hit. While we were under our stay-at-home order, we offered free virtual dryland programming to our kids, which included yoga, HIIT, and a crossfit style training. Some of our parents participated, too. We setup free virtual races so families would be motivated to stay active. Our goal was to have the everyone stay mentally and physically healthy during this stressful time and we did not want to add a financial burden to families that were out of work.
Now, we are doing our best to come up with race ideas that allows everyone to feel comfortable with their racing. So, while we still have virtual races, we are now adding socially distanced in person races, as well.
If you would rather pay with a check, they can be mailed to
J-Hawk Aquatic Club
430 Assembly Court
Whitewater, WI 53190