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Southern Delaware Women's Multisport Club's June 2023 Clinic - bike handling, nutrition, and strength & conditioning

On June 17th, Becky and Nick of Weights and Plates Endurance will be hosting a bike handling clinic, nutrition workshop, and strength and conditioning / injury prevention workshop for the Southern Delaware Women's Multisport Club on June 17th beginning at 1:30pm at The Stables Studio in Bethany Beach.

The bike handling clinic will consist of a brief rundown of group ride etiquette followed by fundamental skill practice to improve your bike handling, safety and efficiency. We will include more advanced skills such as flying mounts and dismounts based on appropriateness of the group.

The nutrition workshop will consist of education on the basics of nutrition for endurance athletes as well as a pre / post event cooking demo and Q&A. The strength and conditioning portion will review the strength, mobility and stability for all 3 disciplines, common training mistakes and injuries, and information on effectively incorporating strength and conditioning into your training program.

We hope to see you there!

Weights and Plates Endurance is an endurance coaching company consisting of a husband and wife team. Becky Arturo is a USA Triathlon coach, doctor of physical therapy licensed in Maryland and Pennsylvania, certified strength and conditioning specialist and certified personal trainer. Nick Fischer is a licensed and registered dietitian as well as a USA Cycling certified coach. Weights and Plates is a 2023 sponsor of Southern Delaware Women's Multisport.


This event is free for 2023 SDWMC members. SDWMC Members should consult the members only Facebook group or email to obtain the discount code before registering this event. If you are interested in becoming a member, please signup as a member before registering for this event.

SDWMC is a IRS 501(c)(3) designated organization. Membership may be tax deductible. We are triathletes, not accountants, so ask your tax advisor about deductibility.

The cost is $25 to be come a SDWMC member for the day. You must be 18 years or older. (Men, transgender people & non-binary people are welcome to attend this event.)

This is a rain or shine event.

No refunds will be provided.
Open to ages 18+.
Start Time:
1:30pm EDT
End Time:
4:30pm EDT
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

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