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F3 Naperville 5K

Start Time:
9:00am CDT
End Time:
10:30am CDT
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

F3 Naperville 5k Kids (1/2 mile ages 6-9; 1/4 mile 5 and younger)

We want everyone in the family to participate so bring your kids!

**REMINDER** Anyone registered for the kids race will recieve a child sized shirt. Unfortunately we will not be able to exchange them for adult sizes or larger sizes at a later date.

Second reminder, any kid 10 and older will have to run the 5k with their family. The kids races are only for those 9 and younger. Thank you!
Open to ages 12 and under.
Start Time:
10:00am CDT
End Time:
11:00am CDT
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

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